The chat is always the 1st Sunday of the month at 4pm EST. The February Chat was postponed because of the Superbowl and took place this past Sunday. Don't feel bad if you missed it because here is the recap. Make sure you join in the conversation next month on Sunday March 3rd.
Feel free to answer any of the questions from the chat in the comments below. Let's keep the conversation going.
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Feb #ChasingJoy Recap topic #Love
Storified by Chasing Joy· Mon, Feb 11 2013 20:38:51
Welcome to the #ChasingJoy Twitter Chat.Chasing Joy (Arlett) The purpose of this chat is to get to know each other better and bond over the themes of Optimism, Gratitude, and Happiness.#ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) I started the chat so that I could actually have conversations with people on twitter and not just exchange links. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) With Valentine’s Day being this week I thought it was fitting to chat about #love #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q 1: Who are you and where are you from? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q2: How happy are you at this time in your life? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A2. I am pretty happy. Happy with how work and blog stuff is going. Had some personal stress but that wil pass. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) I'm so loving my 40s. Very happy @Chasing_Joy. #ChasingJoyTina C. Hines Cool so it just keeps getting better :-) RT @4MySisterFriend: Im so loving my 40s. Very happy @Chasing_Joy. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Most definitely. I feel so much better than when I was in my 20s and 30s. Perhaps it's because I change my outlook on life. #ChasingJoyTina C. Hines Q2: Not as happy as I could be. I am in the process of refocusing. #chasingjoyUneeka Jay Q3: What feelings come to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A3. I think of the first time I told my husband I loved him. Many years ago. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis sweet :-) RT @janeanedavis: A3. I think of the first time I told my husband I loved him. Many years ago. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Never liked it a lot since my b'day is day after - always stressful #ChasingJoyLisa Yes the day can bring stress. too many expectations @Lisapatb #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Lovin me more "@Chasing_Joy: Q3: What feelings come to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day? #ChasingJoy"Tina C. Hines A3 I like Valentines Day I like looking for little things to buy/make for family and friends to say how glad youre in my life #chasingjoyMJ Scott A3: Don't shoot me. I am not a big fan of Valentines Day. I like to feel special. Surprise me at random, not a holiday. #chasingjoyUneeka Jay @powermommy I like that too, surprise me for me, not the holiday. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis I'm greedy @powermommy I want it all. I like to feel special on random days and on the holiday too. LOL #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A3. I like idea of a day about sharing love. But I feel annoyed that focus is on romantic love. Which leaves single peeps out #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) It leaves singles out if they choose to be left out. Self love is important "@Chasing_Joy: A3. Which leaves single peeps out #ChasingJoy"Tina C. Hines I like that @4MySisterFriend Love yourself for Valentines day. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q4: Do you have special plans for Valentine’s Day? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A4. No, we don't celebrate Valentine's day. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis A4: Nope. #chasingjoyUneeka Jay A4 Nope I hate going out I like a low key family day. Maybe a fancier than normal dinner and give the kiddos gifts. #chasingjoyMJ Scott what do you give the kiddies @SweetMJ #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy This year those plastic cups with straws with some candy inside and for her hair bows for him itunes gift card #chasingjoyMJ Scott I did not grow up with parents giving kids gift for valentines day. It sounds like a nice idea I may copy one day. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @SweetMJ That's how mine are, low key and kiddos gifts still have to get :) #chasingjoyLisa Q5: Do you /have you ever treated yourself to a Valentine’s treat? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A5. I treat myself to decadent chocolate treats #chasingjoyJaneane Davis Q5: I try and treat myself often. I think I have to love me first to show love. So I am sure I have. #chasingjoyUneeka Jay A5. Sometimes I do treat myself to a Valentines gift. I may get myself some perfume #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A5 I use to when I was single. At about 5PM on valentines is the best time to buy nice jewelry. always uber cheap. #chasingjoyMJ Scott A5: The red dress I just bought for Valentine's Day is my treat to myself. I love to shop! #Fashion #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence I treat myself often #spoiled. Q5: Do you /have you ever treated yourself to a Valentine’s treat? #ChasingJoy"Tina C. Hines Q6: What is your favorite way to show love on any regular day? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q6: I love sending hand written cards. I am also known to steal hugs and kisses from unsuspecting people! #chasingjoyUneeka Jay taking time to meditate. Brings the calm before my day begins. Q6: What is your favorite way to show love on any regular day? #ChasingJoy"Tina C. Hines @Chasing_Joy I give little things all the time St.Patricks Day, labor Day...I just need to find one for Arbor day #chasingjoyMJ Scott A6 I like to do little things, notes, gifts of favorite candy. #chasingjoyMJ Scott A6: I value time, if you get some of mine... You are important! Lol! *seriously though* #QualityTime #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence A6. I give hugs, smiles, letters, texts and just say the words for no reason. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis A6. I like to show love by making people laugh. Most people don't know how silly I can be. #Gettoknowme #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q7: Do you ever struggle with showing love to those you may not like very much? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A7. No, but that is because my life is set up so I don't have to be around those I don't care for. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis A7 No I dont have people in my life I dont much stress. #chasingjoyMJ Scott I agree @SweetMJ but i find some unavoidable because of family or mutual friendships that are important. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A7: Uhh yes. Of course I do. But I push through. Everyone deserves love and it is not something you have to earn. #chasingjoyUneeka Jay I like that @powermommy Love does not need to be earned. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A7: I'm a Libra, I show love regardless just don't take advantage of me. I'll write you off & I hold grudges. *working on that* #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence A7. is a struggle. I focus on treating them how I want to be treated & not necessarily how I feel they deserve to be treated. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) RT @Chasing_Joy: I am working on not holding grudges. @JaelDesignsInc I forgive but never forget. #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence @Chasing_Joy @JaelDesignsInc I dont hold a grudges but I am sometimes quick to cut you out of my life and move on. #chasingjoyMJ Scott Sometimes I hold on to people I shouldn't @SweetMJ #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q8: Are you able to love yourself, faults and all, as much as you love others? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A8: That is a deep question. I am working on that. It is a daily choice. #chasingjoyUneeka Jay Deciding every day to be kind to me. RT @powermommy: A8: That is a deep question. I am working on that. It is a daily choice. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A8 it took my years to get to a place where I realized I am awesome and deserve as much of my efforts as others in my life #chasingjoyMJ Scott I confirm your Awesomness @SweetMJ #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A8. YES! I believe I have to love me, all of me so I can teach my children to love and value themselves. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis The best lesson to teach by example is how to love yourself @janeanedavis #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A8: Definitely not, I'm working on that right now. #chasingjoyJen Lawrence Keep working on it @JaelDesignsInc and believe people when they tell you how great you are. Take in all compliments. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy @JaelDesignsInc When you discount what people say you are saying you dont matter. #chasingjoyMJ Scott @Chasing_Joy Q8 not usually - why is it, not sure #chasingjoyLisa A8 I find it easier to forgive others than myself. I hold myself to a higher standard. Not sure this is a good thing though. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q9: What is one thing you can do or stop doing to show yourself some love? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A9. I can dress up even though I work from home and look cute for myself. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis Do that! I feel better if I look good RT @janeanedavis: A9. I can dress up even though I work from home and look cute for myself #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Take Care of myself #ChasingJoyP@mmy P@m A9 I am to hard on myself to achieve perfection. I am working on it and I am more inclined then ever to say good enough #chasingjoyMJ Scott A9: Take more time for me, I always get lost in the sauce. #chasingjoyJen Lawrence A9. I work on stopping negative self talk. I can work more on pampering me & eating better so I can feel my best physically. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q10: Do you have a Facebook page, blog, or other link that you’d like to share? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A10 my blog #chasingjoyMJ Scott A10. I blog at Janeane's World #chasingjoyJaneane Davis A 10: Blog - #chasingjoyJen Lawrence @Chasing_Joy I'll share my pin to win from our retail store Ends at midnight. Win $50 Lingerie #chasingJoyLisa A10: my blog is and you can find me on FB at #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A10: Also visit to find out about the upcoming Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn #CJBL #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A10: (#swish:) #chasingjoyMia Hall Learned recently about taking compliments etc. @Chasing_Joy Read: I'm Getting A Makeover... #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence That is the end of the questions but feel free to continue chatting and getting to know each other using the hashtag #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) OMG!!!! Its been an hour already!! #chasingjoyMJ Scott yup time flies when your having fun. I love this chat RT @SweetMJ: OMG!!!! Its been an hour already!! #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Thanks for chatting everyone. I love actually talking on twitter :-) #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy it is a fun thing to do. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis #ChasingJoy Chats are every month on the 1st Sunday at 4pm EST. bring your friends :-)Chasing Joy (Arlett) The next #ChasingJoy chat will be on Sunday March 3rd. At 4:00pm ESTChasing Joy (Arlett)