Self Expression Magazine

Feeling Charitable at 10,000ft

Posted on the 21 May 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
9246186e6c24b9f4b8d3fdf7bdd93a31_largeimage via weheartitHave you heard of Clara Barton? No, well she founded The American Red Cross, which I'm sure we've all heard of, on this very day actually back in 1881 after seeing what good deeds the International Red Cross were doing during a trip to Europe. Nice huh?
Well, on this most charitable of days, I figured it might be a suitable moment to reveal a project I got involved with about two weeks ago, and am really really excited about. Oh, and it's also a good moment to tell you that I'm scared of heights. Ladders are fine, but I start considering an exit strategy, and how to get my seat belt off on roller-coasters as soon as I get above about thirty feet. That's me. Remember that.

I'm doing a sponsored sky-dive! Ta-da!


Now, I don't want to dupe you all. Doing a skydive is something that's made it's way onto my bucket list then off of it again several times before, not just because it's cool and one of those things that you just have to do. I've talked about doing one, one day, but never had any real intention of booking one because it would mean that I'd have to admit to people that I'm scared of heights. When the opportunity to do a skydive for charity was dangled in front of me, I just figured that I'd never have a better reason, and maybe the motivation would actually make me do it. That and paying me to jump out of an airplane and have a panic attack in the process is something that certain people might just give to charity in order to see me do.The idea behind doing a Charity Skydive is that you get to do it for free. If I raise £395 in sponsorship, the company gives me a discount on the cost of the skydive so that £140 of that will go to the charity I choose. Now, I think that's a little unfair to be honest - because it means that the first £255 that people donate, will never reach the charity.So, because I'm at least getting the original price discounted, I'm going to to be "making a donation" myself to cover that part, so anything anyone decides do donate, will in fact go straight into the charity's pocket - not mine. I'm going to be jumping out of a plane sometime in October, so I have a good few months, but I'd really really like to be able to raise £500 for my chosen charity, which is Look Good, Feel Good.

Gift Bag
Now this charity, is one that I've supported before, and is quite a personal choice to the person I'm jumping with as his Mum sadly lost her battle with cancer the year before last, and really appreciated what Look Good, Feel Better did for her.
The charity concentrates on giving back both Men and Women some of the self confidence that the rigours of cancer treatments can take away from them. They run workshops all over the UK, teaching health and beauty tips and participants get to take away all the products that they've learnt to use during their visit. You can find out so much more about them, and more eloquently put here, on their website. 

If you'd like to sponsor me, and help raise some money for this charity, my Just Giving page is just here. One click away. Please consider it and I will personally send you hugs and good Karma. Promise.

Feeling Charitable at 10,000ft

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