Diaries Magazine

Feeling Snuggly Ft Humbleweave

Posted on the 18 July 2016 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
Feeling Snuggly ft Humbleweave
There's nothing I love more than a good snuggle! I'm such a snuggly type of person and so it's a very good thing that I've got two snuggly little people to cuddle up to (as well as my Husband of course). 
Recently we found Humbleweave and fell in love with their stunning range of blankets. Being on our second child, we do already own a fair few blankets, but none like these! The designs are totally us - modern yet bold and just perfect to really make a statement in a room. 
We're quite a neutural-loving family, we're big fans of the white and crisp look but even so - too much white never works, there needs to be something to contrast it. And whilst this may just be a blanket - it's added so much more than just something to snuggle under for us.
Feeling Snuggly ft HumbleweaveFeeling Snuggly ft Humbleweave
Our new blanket sort of follows us around at the moment as it's such a favorite in our house, but recently I've loved throwing it over our old beanbag because it instantly transforms our living room. Our bean bag is just a standard brown bean bag that you wouldn't really notice, but when you throw the blanket on it, we suddenly have this really cool looking addition to our living room that sort of makes the room pop. Logan loves falling asleep on it - I actually shared a photo of him asleep on it on the beanbag on my instagram account if you would like to have a look at it. I'm @alexbumptobaby. 
Feeling Snuggly ft Humbleweave
Our blanket is Sweet Peaks in aqua and lemon, but there are also some other absolutely beautiful blankets in the For Baby range, like the Fluffy Clouds in french blue - that's another stunning one! 
Feeling Snuggly ft Humbleweave
Not only does our new blanket add interest and contrast to our home, it's also super soft and made form 100% cotton and great for using when we're out and about too. It looks so gorgeous when we use it with Logan's pushchair and I love that it's machine washable too as little Logan tends to get quite mucky during snack time when we're out and about, bless him! ;)
Feeling Snuggly ft Humbleweave
The blanket we have can be found here over at humbleweave.com, if you're looking for a stylish, modern baby blanket for your little one at the moment I'd really recommend taking a look.
Feeling Snuggly ft Humbleweave
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