But today I was reading through some blogs and I was on Rachel's page and saw where she had joined up with this pretty girl named Tami. I flipped over to her blog and immediately became a follower. Her confession post was super funny, so here's my stab at mine!
I confess..
-I love pizza more than anything. Really, I think I could eat it daily.. and if this wedding wasn't coming so soon, I just might do that. But no one wants to see pizza butt on my wedding day. womp, womp.
-I want to move in with Hallie and Jenna, in our mansion on the beach. Okay, so that's clearly never going to happen....... unless I hit the lottery, then COME ON GIRLS.... but I had to throw this in there! :)
-I bite my nails. It's ugly, it's dirty, most of you are probably un-following me right now, but it is what it is. I have since 2nd grade, and I don't see it stopping.. therefore, I'll be fake on the wedding day.
-I don't want to have food at my wedding. It's getting on my nerves finding a caterer and getting all that finalized. I feel like it's making me angry with life. Ready for this part to be OVER.
-I have to change pens, a lot. I can't write with the same pen a full week unless it's a GOOD pen. I'm a pen snob.
-I think my diamond is the best. No lie, it's my baby.
-I keep chocolate in my house at all times. Weird or smart!?
-I like to "take care" of B, but when I see him fold clothes/wash dishes/etc. I think it's an even better feeling. #lucky
-I work in a bank, and I use the calculator for ridiculous things. It's became too easy and a habit.
-I'm indecisive. BAD.
-I'm a cheap-butt. I spend NO MONEY.
-I don't get why people like celebs so much. Sure, I have a few I enjoy (basically cause they sing a certain song..) but I don't get all crazy over them and stalk their personal lives.
-I think I'm confessing too much... more later! ;)