Diaries Magazine

Festive Haul!

Posted on the 20 December 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Festive Haul!
It's now less than a week to go until Christmas Eve - I can almost hear the sleigh bells in the distance!
I managed to finish my Christmas shopping back in November but of course there is still always so much to do in the weeks before Christmas.
I've been sorting out Tyne's Christmas Eve box which I will be posting about soon and prepping for Christmas dinner after finding out that I'll be hosting it for the family this year - eeek!
In order to get us into the festive spirit we've been doing some festive shopping and heading out to some festive events! I'll be sharing details of the events we've been to tomorrow, for today I thought I'd show you what we've been buying to get us into the Christmas Spirit!
Festive Haul!
I recently took a little detour into Lush during a shopping trip, and came out about £35 worse off - whooops!!!
I did pick up some lovely festive treats though!
I bought:
*Snow Fairy shower gel - this just screams Christmas to me and I HAVE to have a bottle every year! 
*The Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar
*Butterbear bath bomb - For Tyne
*Northern Lights bath bomb - for me!
*Magic Wand Re-usable Bubble Bar - This is actually to put on top of my nieces Christmas presents, you give it a quick stir around your running bath to transform it into a bubbly haven! They will LOVE it! (I may have bought one for myself too....)
*Father Christmas Bath Bomb - This is for Tyne's Christmas Eve bath to get him in the festive mood!! He tested one out in the store and loved how it turned the bath green and then red! So Festive!!!
*Dashing Santa bath bomb - this is for MY Christmas Eve bath!! How exciting!
Festive Haul!
I also picked up these super cute Christmassy knitted slippers from New Look
Festive Haul!
And I of course needed some seasonal socks!! The kissing snowmen are my favourites!!!
How are you getting yourself into the festive spirit this season?
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