Self Expression Magazine
FFS Friday: Stealing My Husband's Stories Again
Posted on the 01 March 2013 by Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28This week....
Husband fell off the ladder. FFS on his behalf again! That was bad.
He fell off so bad, the entire ladder came crashing down too.
The bad thing was, I was sitting on the ground near the ladder.
The worst thing was, because my husband is talented in the art of silliness/pranks etc, I actually blurted out "Why are you doing that?!" as he was falling.
Needless to say, he was very hurt emotionally. He could not believe that I asked him such a stupid question about why he was crashing down.
He was very lucky he did not smash his ankle. Not FFS.
He was very lucky there were no misplaced nails Final Destination style. Not FFS.
I am always joking about all the possible scenarios Final Destination style.
Husband wore his shirt inside out.
I did think to myself for a split second: Hmm never seen that plain black shirt. And it looks so high up around his neck.
We were on our way to counseling and even went to get some petrol.
He only discovered when he got back into the car.
My husband has been saying that he wants to start his own blog.
His reason being I am stealing his interesting stories for my blog (I can't really deny that...) when he should really write them on his own and claim all the credit.
Well, coming from the man who creates funky words/sentences such as "It's normal for jobs to become anonymous after a long time" and "I don't like unresponsible people", I think he definitely is in good stead for fame, don't you think!
Bub is starting daycare 1 day a week. Awesome. No FFS for sure.
Ally will go to school as per normal and go to After School Care for that same day each week.
That day is officially my Child-Free day each week.
I am stoked. No FFS.
As I have previously mentioned, I am currently a part-time stay-home labourer for my husband.
Instead of getting paid, it's the other way round: I PAY the price! FFS
I paid the price on Wednesday when I got a splinter in me finger. FFS
I don't handle needles/sharp pain very well.
Tweezers wouldn't do the job so Husband had to use a needle.
I found myself tearing up a little from being nervous/scared. FFS
Childbirth has not done anything for my pain tolerance; I am still very much a wuss thank you very much.
Every night for the last week, I have been hearing loud booming music & beats through my house.
I don't know where it is coming from.
I think it is from my neighbor (I have 2 neighbours on both sides; 1 is the loveliest old lady and the other house is occupied by a really quiet, reserved couple).
I actually think it is coming from someone's TV. Someone's super loud, super cool surround-sound system.
Either that or I was not invited to the hippest party in town. FFS
Have a great weekend everyone!
Linking up with Sarah over at! And having just read her husband's post about his FFS epic manicure.... I do feel ashamed about sobbing over my splinter.