As per usual, I have wasted precious hours packing everything for everyone, FFS.
#1Hubby’s contribution was to ask if I’d remembered to pack his Bintang singlet. SERIOUSLY? FFS.
He only remembered to bring me TWO COCKTAILS during the time it took me, as he sat at the bar and did bugger all while I grunted and swore my way to cramming everything in and zipping up our cases. FFS.

I can’t find the kiddy Panadol and we are just hours away from take off, FFS.
I can’t find the toys and books I’d put aside to entertain The Feral Threesome at the airport and during the flight home, FFS.
I was unable to secure separate, far far away seating for Miss6 and I on the flight home, FFS.
I think I forgot to take Grey's Anatomy last night, FFS.
I have lost the duty free pick up receipt that is the golden ticket to our post-holiday commiserations, FFS.
A color to match every outfit, genius
And that, at a push, is about all I have to complain about at the moment.
No doubt by next Friday I’ll have tons to whine about once again.