Diaries Magazine

Fiesta Cultural 2012

Posted on the 11 May 2012 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
Unbelievable that it has been here and is gone, already. Another year, whizzing by...! Every year we attend Fiesta, we say it is the "best one yet." Truly, I think this was the very best one, though. It was just wonderful! Every class had a special performance, and now that we've been at Buena Vista for a while, we had kids to watch that we knew in every single class. Brailey's class got the "party started" (the name of the song they danced to) with the opening act, and she was such a joy to watch! What can we say? The girl can dance! And Britt's class performed to "La Bamba," which Brailey performed to, as well, when she was in second grade. Even more special, he got to be the "caller," which means he introduced the dance to everyone, which Brailey did as a second grader, too. So it was truly a special night for our entire family, and Brady and I enjoyed ourselves immensely! Here are some fun pictures from the evening - enjoy the happiness you will see reflected!
Fiesta Cultural 2012
Fiesta Cultural 2012
Fiesta Cultural 2012
Fiesta Cultural 2012
Fiesta Cultural 2012
Fiesta Cultural 2012 Britt and his dance partner, Brooklyn. They were A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E together!
Fiesta Cultural 2012 The Queen B and her busy little B's. Britt was super nervous, which is why he chose to make this "L" sign, which we all know the meaning of. But we are choosing to believe he was holding it up for "LOVE," and he has promised to never do that in a picture again. I've never seen him so nervous before, so I let it slide, because other than that, it is a good picture, right?
Fiesta Cultural 2012 And our beloved Senora Downes, who was Brailey's second grade teacher and is the Britt's current teacher. She is the most amazing teacher I've ever seen, and it has been a blessing for both of the B's to experience her class. Frankly, I could write an entire blog post on how amazing she is. Britt would do anything for her, and Brailey was just as attached when she was in her classroom. And her name is... Wait for it... BEA! Could she "be" any more perfect? We certainly don't think so. We love her. Dearly!

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