Self Expression Magazine

Fight It. Get Up. and Fight It

Posted on the 11 August 2016 by Scribe Project @ascribeproject

4:37AM, August 2015 :  

Fight it.

Get up.

And fight it.

Discontinue your inner demon.

He does not deserve the taste of the blood on your wrists and thighs,

He does not deserve the pleasure of your tears,

He does not deserve the power you give him,

To make you cry,

To make you break,

To make you hurt.

Fight it.

Get up.

And fight it.

Destroy the irrelevant voices running through your mind like children on the playground,

“You’re too fat” – NO,

“You’re too thin” – NO,

“You’re ugly” – NO,

“You’re a bitch’ – NO,

“You’re a slut” – NO,

“You are a disgrace to human kind” – NO,

Fight it.

Get up.

And fight it.

Stop the blade,

Do not let it touch your forgiving skin,

Do not let it make its mark on you,

Do not let it mark you as another victim,

Do not let the blood escape,

Nor let it trickle down your arms,

Do not let it have any authority.

Fight it.

Get up.

And fight it.

Make your tears stop.

Do not let your mirror see another drop of water seep through your eyes,

Terminate the sighs,

Tell yourself that you are worth it,

That you are meant to be here,

That you have enough strength to beat this pain,

And you deserve to be happy.

Fight it.

Get up.

And fight it.

Pick yourself up off the ground,

Throw away the tissues damp with tears and glistening blood,

Hear the sound,

Of the birds chirping to wish you a good morning,

Forget all the pills you’ve downed,

And take a break.

Remember that there is only one you in the world, regardless of it’s cliche use, it is the truth. Be yourself.

Remember that you are the only one that can save you, no one else knows your mind the way you do. Be independent.

Remember that when people say mean and harsh things to you, they might also be going through a tough time. Be kind. II by Andy Freire

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