I wanted to do this tonight because I can't be late to my last day of work tomorrow. That's right, last day :D. I got a job back in Small Town so long distance relationship whines will be no more around here!
It's a mixed bag of emotions. I finally got really spoiled spending so much time with my family. I wasn't used to it at all after 8 years away. But I am obviously so excited to be near the Boyfriend and the Baby all the time again. I'm sure I will post more during my week off next week. For now, onto the blanks!
1. If money wasn't an issue, the first thing I'd cross of my life list is paying off my student loans. Does that count? haha Since that's probably not in the spirit of this question... I would quit working completely to focus on writing
2. Ketchup on chicken is something I like that other people think is weird. {DELISH!}
3. If my life were a movie right now, the title would be Lazy Lonely Girl Spends a Lot of Time Watching TV and on Twitter Because She is so Lonely Being in a Long Distance Relationship. lol.
4. Three things I am looking forward to this month are Spending Valentine's Day with the Boyfriend :D , Two new babies are due to be born this month (and 1 was born just last week)and a hair appointment on Tuesday afternoon to make up for cavities being filled on Tuesday morning
5. My favorite song to sing in the shower is Anything Adele or T. Swift. I am a fantastic singer in the shower ;). (Lauren, your answer cracked me up!). and in the spirit of honesty... sometimes just some good old *N Sync and Britney Spears.
6. If I found out that the production of ruffles and ranch dip was ending this month, I'd go out and buy as much as I could tomorrow.