Diaries Magazine

Filled With Gratitude

Posted on the 31 March 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
Filled With Gratitude

After eagerly counting the days to March 19, I was a delirious mess choked with emotion as I waited at the airport, waiting for my son to walk through the gates. He did. And my heart just brimmed over with gratitude at the thought of an entire week with him at home. Even though it was a short visit, we made the most of it.

Earlier this month, I had the crazy hamster wheel sequence of a crashed computer, plumbing repairs, dead phones, internet issues and a whole lot of other stuff. Top it all, the very warm weather. I was amused to find myself staying rather cool and going about finding solutions after I made a to-do list. I mean, it was too warm to waste energy worrying, anyway. Also, I was undecided whether I should get a new desktop computer. While I sat on the fence I got on with other things-do-do around the house.

I went out, met friends, caught up with some on the phone and pottered around, decluttering, giving away stuff.

I took pictures. Lots of them.

I thoroughly enjoyed the impromptu digital detox.

I also got around to purging my email inbox and almost hit inbox zero. Oh I love that phrase. It does feel fantastic to create fresh space. I let go of a whole lot of sites I subscribe to. I mean, what's Google for?

When I am over-whelmed I always head to the kitchen and this time was no exception. To clear my mind and stay focused, I got down to cooking from scratch and making all those masalas that make life so much easier. There's so much joy in going through the process, knowing that there's going to be something delicious to show for it.

I am filled with Gratitude

In the last week of March, I had the privilege of visiting my son's campus when he returned there and had the most wonderful time, meeting friends and of course, spending time with my 3-year old friend. What is it with me and 3-year olds? I guess being the same age group helps, eh? I am always amazed at how different and just a little grown up she seems every time I see her.

While out on our morning walk on the campus, as usual, my eyes kept searching for my colourful feathered friends. So imagine my stunned surprise when, as we passed the sports complex there, I saw a huge group of birds on the ground. Turned out to be 15+ baby peacocks! What an utterly delightful sight it was to see them fluttering playfully all over the place. I feel sheepish to think I didn't take a pic right away. Much later, on our return trip, we passed the path where they go back to the wilderness - and were lucky to see the whole bunch quickly navigating the bushes, as if responding to the call of their Moms on the other side. Oh, quite noisy.

I spent a lovely day on campus - it was beautiful with Mother Nature showing off.

Filled With Gratitude

I returned home the next day rather late at night and enjoyed the love of my neighbour who was kind enough to bring me dinner.

Then in the first week of March, Laura and Mark of positivelyhappy.me (love that url) interviewed me for their " Rewrite the Rules" series - and we had so much fun chatting! Here's the link to the interview (signup required). Tell me what you think!

March has been a good month, with plenty of learning. I am looking forward to a hectic April - with the A to Z Challenge that starts tomorrow - I've got four blogs in there this time - which means 26 x 4 = 104 posts - so wish me smooth sailing! ♥

How was March for you? What one thing stands out for you? Do share in the comments!

Here's a beautiful video that just stole my heart. Kindness is never overrated and also, giving without expecting something in return is really the best way. Enjoy!

"Why do some people go out of their way to help others?

Filled With Gratitude
Welcome to the March 2016 Gratitude Circle Bloghop! Please do join us to celebrate gratitude. Write your post, add the badge above and add your post url to the linky below. Filled With Gratitude

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury

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