This What to Watch Wednesday, the final of March (and Women’s History Month), also happens to be the season finale of a favorite here at 2WC, “Legion.”
Given the occasion, I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to geek out over this fantastic show (which has officially been renewed for a second season!) and applaud their rather feminist approach to telling this story…
At first glance, with its male title character, “Legion” might not scream girl power, but fans of the comics are very aware of the female-forward move this show has made…and because this is a spoiler-free zone, I won’t spell all of them out blatantly, but I can hint.
Let’s just say the ladies of “Legion” can handle themselves, not just because they’re mutants, but because they’re badasses…
I would call them heroes, but there is a surprising lack of “hero-ing” for a Marvel story. There is helping…and everyone needs some sometimes…
Then there’s Lenny (Aubrey Plaza), who is an incredible character in her own right…
…and even more amazing when broader, societal (*cough* casting choices *cough*) come into play…
Of course, to applaud the ladies of “Legion” without acknowledging the men would only be telling half of the story…
Not to mention depriving us of this lovely dance number…
And what’s most impressive about how this show treats its female characters is that it’s not treated as extraordinary…
So, bravo, “Legion.” Thank you for an incredible season, and here’s to many more…
…bi-daily smile…