Finding My Feet

Posted on the 12 May 2013 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog

Whoever said being a new Mummy is a hard job was right. It is hard but at the very same time it's also extremely rewarding. 
Ethan is now 3 and half weeks old and my Husband went back to work last Tuesday, so Ethan and I had our first week together as just us two. At first I was like a spring chicken, I had a sort of plan for us and had an idea of how things would go.. little did I know - there is no plan with newborn babies, there's no pattern and no routine {well at least there isn't at the moment}. This is hard and by the end of the week my head was pounding constantly and I was exhausted beyond belief.
 Everyday has been different and I'm squeezing in {very little} 'me' time where I can. I'm always honest in my blog posts and so have no problem admitting that having a new baby for the first time and going from a '2' to a '3' at times has put a strain on mine and Adams relationship, but the love and respect that we have for each other is very deep and so we talk things through and support each other - we act as each others fuel and keep each other going when times get tough. 
I've been told that the first couple of months are the hardest so I know that eventually I will find my feet and my confidence will grow strong as it continues to increase everyday. Right now I'm working out how to juggle all of the things in my life - my newborn and all of his many needs, my Husband and our relationship, my four cheeky cats and they're seemingly always hungry belly's and masses of moulting hairs, myself and both my emotional and physical states {emotional because I need to keep myself de-stressed and make sure I do make time for myself and relax and physical because I'm still building up my iron levels, still dealing daily with very painful back pain from scoliosis, still massaging cream and oil into my massive amounts of stretch marks (my stomach exploded with them towards the end of pregnancy but hey I was housing a baby the size of a small planet in there!) and I also need to ensure I'm eating and drinking properly.}. I'm also jugging the never-ending house work along with all of the other every day life occurrences.
Through all of these daily challenges I remain completely and utterly content. My heart is as full as it has ever been and I am happy. Disoriented, exhausted, stressed, even upset at times, but totally happy. It's the kind of happiness that only having a family can give you. I sat in bed with my Husband last night watching television with our baby in between us and we just looked at each other and smiled because at that very moment we both thought the very same thing - 'this is happiness'. 
I'll end this blog post with a few of my favorite pictures from last week:
Little baby iPood :)
This photo makes me laugh every time - just look at Ethans cheeky face! Haha.
Kisses from Daddy
 Twins?! Haha.
 Why does my baby constantly pull funny faces when I'm not looking and am trying hard to take nice family shots?! He really does make me laugh!!
Mummys attempt at swaddling.
 Too adorable. Charlie and Ethan. <3
 Charlie, Ethan + Sammy.
 Snuggling with Mummy in bed.
Oh and yes you guessed it...Yet another funny face shot! ;)
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone!
On Instagram : alexgladwin