As a kid, this was always one of my favorite holidays. It's summertime, there's always a great cookout, and there's loud and colorful fireworks.
I was the kid who was never afraid of the firework displays. I loved seeing the sparkling lights flying in the air, and I loved the way you could the BOOM from the loud ones reverberate through your entire body. I loved running through the yard with a sparkler, trying to spell out my name before it died out.
I still love all of that.
Now as a parent, I'm a little more hesitant to let the kiddos run around with sparklers, but I definitely want them to learn to enjoy the great fireworks displays. Sure, they may be frightened at times, but I'd love for them to appreciate the awesomeness of it all, how much work and brain power goes into making shapes and lights in the sky. Nerdy, right? But it's soo cool!
I hope everyone has a great 4th, whether or not it includes fireworks!
Looking for ways for kids to light up the day or night without getting harmed by fireworks? Check out my article Safe Fourth of July Activities for Kids on HubPages.
Have fun, and be safe!