Diaries Magazine

First Things First

Posted on the 22 April 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen
Unfortunately, I am unable to make my first Pagan girlie meet tomorrow after all. The hubs and I are still trying to finish up the deck. (had a few snags) Still have yet to get the railings put up so the pit bull doesn't try and jump off the top of the deck. (yes, this momma's been a nervous wreck) He's also been jumping off the sides of the steps, so we had to put up "barriers" to stop him. (he has a gimpy back leg to begin with)
So we are trying to cram in as much as possible this weekend before the rain hits. Chances are, we'll be out in the rain tomorrow working as well. Oh fun fun! But you know how it is.... First things first. Priorities at Castle Titan.
First things first
I'm hoping I'll be able to make the next meet, as I understand they meet up at least once a month. Despite me not being able to make the meeting and meet some fabulous ladies, I'm very anxious to get the deck done so my "son" and I can chill outside on the deck (especially at night when the moon and stars are out) ;)
How is everyone else's weekend?

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