I'm currently trained as a healthcare advisor, and am 3/4 through my dispensing qualification. I work every Saturday and Sunday, just so I have a little bit of pocket money to last the month whilst I am in college.Now, don't get me wrong, I have a fantastic job and I really enjoy it. Usually. There are just a few things that I really do not appreciate. I have a couple of pet hates about working with customers.
#1 Hello, you can call me CatherineI absolutely hate being called being called my name. Just because I’m wearing a badge that says Catherine, does not give you permission to use it. I know this is ridiculous and it’s not something that should offend me, but using my name is too personal, or patronising, and it makes me uncomfortable. Yes, I’ve just served you, and yes I have been really polite, but we’re not friends. No matter how much you’ve just spent, we just aren’t.
#2 Sharing is NOT caring
So many people feel the need to come in to share their illnesses with me. When people are describing their cough, they also feel the need to prove that they have one. I don't need to hear a cough that has been forced, I believe you! I'm having to resort to quoting 'coughs and sneezes, spread diseases' to the offending customers and offering my hand sanitizer.
#3 There is such as thing as 'TMI'
Honestly, people are far too open nowadays. I hear about all sorts of things which any self-respecting person would not dream of sharing. From a girl wanting cream for her genital warts (which were described in great detail) to detailed descriptions of why men cannot use regular sizes condoms. Some times I do think people need to think about what they're saying. Yes, everything is confidential, but really? self respect.
Although there are some aspects of my job which I do struggle to deal with (I'm not below you in the world just because I work in a shop) I do absolutely love working and speaking with a majority of customers. I once served a gentleman who told me about his holiday to Turkey, and then returned with all of the photographs to show me! It's rewarding helping so many people in a day, and most people I serve are absolutely wonderful. As a part-time job funding me through college, I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm so lucky!