First Year and a Reason to Cherish.

Posted on the 30 May 2013 by Rharikrishna25 @Hari_raghu
Again a long gap for a couple of months. This semester is really taxing and it practically didn't give me much time. No, not even to pursue my passion. And now a reason to celebrate. 365 days over. Its been a year since Freezing Eternity was born (31st May). It feels like only yesterday I was planning to start a blog. This year has been a great one for me especially in this virtual world. Blogs, posts, comments, contests, friends, updates, tweets and others. And I really feel so happy for being here and writing what I think.

This blog was not started last year in contradiction to what my first post tells. On the contrary, it was two and a half years back. One of my best buddies, Vignesh Natarajan, who blogs here, introduced me to the world of blogs. I always loved reading his blog and various other blogs he followed. It was at that time I thought to blog though I had lacked several criteria for blogging. But the zeal of expressing what I think made me stick on to it. And thus it started, December 2010. I had put a couple of really bad posts and later I took my blog down. It was during my last vacation that blogging occupied my mind and here I am. With more than forty number of posts, though very less in number compared to an active blogger, I took to blogging. I loved it, admired it and got inspired by my fellow mates. 

There is IndiBlogger, BlogAdda, Blog-a-Ton giving me various reasons to post and constantly encouraging it. And then came the Chennai Bloggers Club. I loved the club so much and we are active there interacting, have several threads discussing about topics at length, getting advice, celebrating days, meetings and of course, writing posts. 
The day I started writing was a disastrous one. An old man died near my home the previous night and there was his funeral proceeding that day afternoon. There were fireworks displayed, crackers blasted, and whistles blown. And the hut beside my home was set ablaze in fire. It quickly spread to the nearby trees and there was some real damage. There were additional blasts inside the burning home; exacerbating the effect and the fire engine came near the climax. 
I was staring at the house bewildered. Before gaining my senses back, I got the worst news. My uncle died in the hospital following a sudden cardiac arrest. His demise came in as a sudden shock leaving us in despair. Things got over the next day and the entire family was in grief agony. 
The day could never go worse anymore. I had published my first post the next day, which was ready two days before. And here is the next year. Every time my blog celebrates its blogoversary, these events will keep ringing in my head. I pray for my uncle. May his soul rest in peace. 

And then there are many more whom I would like to thank. Shreeraman, Sathish, Divya, Janani, Guru Ramprakash, Rajkiran, Hariharan, Madhu, Shruthi, Sai, my CBC admin Susan, other CBC people Sowmya, Ashwini, Akash, Sivaranjini, and of course Vignesh for motivating me. Thanks to these and others who have constantly been patient to read my silly posts and comments. There are many others whom I didn't mention here yet have been my wonderful readers. I also thank my sister Haripriya and parents for reading every single post and criticizing it.  This blog, I visit here every day, reading my posts, laughing at my bad mistakes, smiling at comments from friends, checking for the page views, thinking about a new post and just passing my time staring at this same page you are here. This blog has been my good companion giving me reasons to cherish about my very own world. My sincere thanks to my readers and friends. I really wish to be regular here this year. Happy Birthday in advance Freezing Eternity.