Fit & Healthy Friday Link Up (Introduction)

Posted on the 26 April 2013 by Missliabilities
This is my first time linking up with Fit & Healthy now that tax season is done!
For the past three tax seasons I have gained weight over the grueling four month period of long hours and desk sitting.
Beginning of tax season 2011: 115 lbs
End of tax season 2011: 124 lbs
Beginning of tax season 2012: 123 lbs
End of tax season 2012: 127 lbs
Beginning of tax season 2013: 118.5 lbs
End of tax season 2013: 120 lbs
In 2012, I was at my highest ever weight of 128 lbs when I moved in with my boyfriend. 130 lbs is considered overweight for my height and small frame. This weight was a result of studying for the CPA exam and eating fast food every day for tax season. This past season I was determined to not let the food take charge of me. It was extremely difficult when I had no time to make breakfast or lunch, and they catered to us for dinner and dessert. I was chugging energy drinks like a champ twice a day. The idea of working out was laughable.
So, I reduced my food intake slightly. Every catered dinner I put heaps of vegetables on my plate before I touched the bread or meats. I always let myself have a little bit of dessert. I tried not to binge on chips when I returned from work. My occasional glass of wine didn't seem to have an impact on the scale. And after all that I only gained 1.5 lbs!
After looking at a few weight calculators and from personal experience, I know that I feel very comfortable with my body at 114 lbs. It's not the lowest part of the scale for my age and height, but I know that I can maintain that weight without giving up everything I love. It's just getting to that point that's difficult!
I'm ready to start this journey with all the other bloggers striving for healthiness. Time to strap on the running shoes and get started!
Start Weight: 120 lbs
Current Weight: 119.5 lbs (weigh-in 4/26/13)
Goal Weight: 114 lbs
Pounds till Goal: 5.5
Short term goals: Go to the gym twice a week, run an average of 15 miles/week, cut out energy drinks
Long term goals: Half marathon in October, give up caffeine
Feel free to follow me on Spark People where I'll track my weight, calorie counting, and fitness activity: