Fitness Madness

Posted on the 17 July 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

I really want to post the pictures from my Color Me Rad run last sunday, but I am having technical difficulties. So, they will have to wait to be posted, but here is a preview!

I just read this post about how Danielle transformed her body and got into the best shape of her life. And at first, I was like “oh, I want that.” But, then I was like, “I can have that.” If I really focus and eat clean, I can get the body I want. Another fad diet or fitness plan is not going to make me change. I have to make myself change.

Danielle used Advocare to lose weight and tone up; she strongly believes it helped change her life. I was tempted to sign right up but luckily I thought about it for a minute and realized this is exactly what fuels the fitness industry. I have bought the Insanity plan, I have bought the Tone It Up plan and I really want to purchase the program Danielle followed so I can ‘hopefully’ get the same results. BUT, why would I buy another program when I have already bought two and seen no results because I have not stuck to them. Until I follow the programs I already purchased, I refuse to allow myself to buy anymore. I f feel like this is the cycle a lot fo people fall into. Instead of sticking to the one program they have, they give up and try another one, hoping for results, only to fail and give up again, continuing the cycle.

I know what I have to do to tone up and lean out, I just HAVE TO DO IT. Change takes time. Progress takes patience. Buying another program is not going to do it for me. I NEED TO DO IT MYSELF.