Diaries Magazine

Fitness Programs Galore

Posted on the 10 March 2013 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
Hey y'all! It's me, April. Last week I talked to you about {how to make working out a priority}.  These next two weeks, I really want to help you find the right workout for you, your personality, and your schedule. Each program I cover is designed so you can modify as needed if just starting out, but can challenge yourself, as well, if you're already pretty fit. I have tried A LOT of different programs, classes, DVDs, etc. Now, while I haven't tried everything (is that even possible?), I think I can give you a basic rundown of different options out there for you.
DVD/TV Programs There are so many benefits to using your TV as your workout buddy - you set the class time, there's no commute to a gym, and you don't have to fret about what you wear or how you look (panty line? pssssh). Of course, some might find it difficult to do their workouts at home where they'd be more inclined to do something, anything, more enjoyable -- folding laundry? Anyone? I, personally, LOVE DVD programs, and have tried several. If you like feeding off the energy of others around you and being motivated by your classmates and you have 15-60 minutes per day set aside to workout... I recommend: 
Turbo Fire from Beachbody This builds onto what Chalene does in Turbo Jam (which is where I started first). I love that it has a class feel, so you get the energy and motivation of being in a group environment without ever leaving your house. This is much more of a girly workout -- choreographed and dance-y, so it's unlikely you'll get your man to do it along with you. She moves fast, and it does take time to get used to her style of cuing -- but my advice with these is it doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you keep moving and focus on having fun. She includes high-intensity interval training drills which are meant to push your heart rate to boost your metabolism. There are also stand-alone HIIT workouts, which I love, because they are shorter but challenging, so I can squeeze in a good sweat when I'm pressed for time (key when you have two young kids). I credit this program with boosting my metabolism post-baby and helping me improve my endurance. The strength training and ab workouts in this program leave much to be desired, though, but it is great for a cardio focus. Required Equipment: Resistance Band (included with the program). Similar programs: Insanity
If you like to do your own thing, prefer to work out by yourself or just one-on-one with a trainer or friend... I recommend one of the following:
P90X from Beachbody This is another great program from Beachbody, but with a totally different format and feel. This is geared more toward the folks who have a good hour or more to devote to their workouts every day. Instead of being choreographed like Turbo Fire, this one has you do basic sets of reps for each move. Every day is a little different, and the program has a lot of variety. Some people aren't a fan of Tyler Horton, but I like him. I like that he challenges you without putting you down. He encourages doing modifications, shows you what you can do if you're first starting out, but still pushes you to improve and work harder. This program is no joke - it's hard - and you will see results. Required equipment: Pull-up bar and Dumbbells or Resistance Bands. Similar program: I have yet to find one that has the same amount of variety with a similar format.
30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels This is a great program if you want something similar in format to P90X (i.e. one-on-one workout style), but with less time commitment. The workouts are only 30 minutes long, so easier to fit into a busy day. The format is pretty simple - rotating through cardio, strength and ab exercises with no break time in order to keep your heart rate up. It is broken up into 3 videos that progress in difficulty. The first level is available on youtube from Lionsgate BeFit - I've put it below so you can view it. Good news is that Jillian isn't as mean in these videos as she is on Biggest Loser ;) Required Equipment: Dumbbells (5-10 lbs) Similar programs: any other Jillian Michaels workout would be great!
Pilates or Yoga There are so many different instructors and companies to choose from for these workouts. Not all videos are the same, so it may be a matter of trial and error before you find something that you like. In general, though, these tend to be more relaxing (although that doesn't mean easy...) with instructors using quiet tones and melodic voices. I have really enjoyed the videos from Gaiam. The workouts can range in length from 20 minutes to over an hour. Required Equipment: Yoga or Pilates Mat, yoga block and band (optional)
Online Programs Get the same benefits of DVD/TV, but without having to pay (accept for your internet connection). The only downside is having to use the computer screen if you don't have internet access on your TV. If you want something similar to P90X, but can't afford the hefty price or the time intensive schedule... I recommend: Be Fit in 90 This is a free 90-day workout program available on YouTube. They provide a 35 minute workout for each day and increase the intensity as you progress. I found the workouts to be challenging with a good variety with a format similar to P90X or the 30 Day Shred. The only downside to this as opposed to 90-day DVD programs is you don't get any nutrition guide, but that may or may not be something you're looking for. Required Equipment: Dumbbells, but varies by day.
If you like the no-nonsense approach of Jillian Michaels, but want something shorter with a bit more variety... I recommend:
The DailyHiit from BodyRock.tv This is a great online program that provides daily high-intensity interval training (HIIT) style workouts. No nonsense... no wasted time... get in, get out... do the moves and you're done. Simple and effective - perfect for if you don't have a lot of time. Required Equipment: varies by day/exercise, but you can improvise if needed. Next week we'll take a look at workouts to do outside of the house and away from the TV or computer... 

Fitness Programs Galore April is a new lover of running and all things fitness. After having her second baby, she set and conquered her fitness goals - having now completed four 5K races, including a mud run, and having worked her way up to doing 5 unassisted pull-ups. She is registered to do the Tough Mudder in Colorado this summer, and is just praying she survives. She writes about faith, family, and her life as an Army National Guard wife and stay-at-home mom over at Hearts On Guard. 

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