This week's theme is Getting To Know You.....
This week's questions were written by Hayley at Sparkles & Stretchmarks....
The Questions
1) Describe yourself in 5 words
Kind-hearted, affectionate, introvert, over-analyser & crazy (in a good kinda way ;)..)
2) Why did you decide to start blogging?
I would watch other people on youTube (Shaytards, The Sacconne Jolys' etc etc) and admire the fact that they were documenting their life through the Internet. I was attracted to the thought of in a years time you could look back at what you we're doing the same day a year later. I tried to start making videos but it wasn't for me. I then noticed some of these youTubers had blogs and realised that I was much better at writing a blog then making videos.. and the rest is history.
3) How did you choose the name of your blog and why?
I choose Bump to Baby because I was pregnant with Ethan when I started it. I suppose I thought my blog was primarily going to stay about parenting but it's branched out into so much more than that. It doesn't really fall into a category even though you'd kind of expect it from it's blog title. I liked to blog about anything and everything. :)
4) Tell us something about yourself that you think might surprise us!
I use to be adamant that I never wanted to be a Mum. Thank God I changed my mind!
Oh and here's a bonus answer for you... I suffer with anxiety.. but I'm working on it!
5) What is your favorite and least favorite thing about blogging?
I love so much about blogging.. I can't just name one thing. I love writing something personal and then getting comments from other people who've read it and enjoyed what I've wrote. I love taking photographs and learning how to use my camera. I love finding other blogs that I fall in love with reading and then make friends with the writers. I love documenting my life. I love working with brands and being lucky enough to have the opportunity to review some lovely things. I love so much about writing a blog.
My least favorite thing is probably when I get writers block! Or when I get frustrated with HTML and spend hours trying to do something and it just doesn't happen.
Don't forget to check out these other girls answers too....
Emily - London Mummy Of TwoHayley - Sparkles & StretchmarksJessica - Our Baby BlogKerry - Lived With LoveLauren - Mrs Hippo & MeLouise - Confessions Of A Secret ShopperRachel - BeautyQueen UK