Five Question Friday…

Posted on the 05 August 2011 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Add your link to the site above!!!

1. Do you have siblings and are you close with them?

I do, I have a brother named Jimmy, I love him to pieces :)

2. Would you rather be slightly UNDER weight or slightly OVER weight?

I have spent my life pretty much up until I was 40 being slightly underweight, so I pick that. I have had to stick up for myself for being thin forever, I am good at it by now :)

3. What’s your favorite State Fair food to splurge on?

Well I hate fairs, but I am gonna say that I would have to say a hot dog covered in fried onions…oh and then I would probably need to have those little deep fried mini donuts too…I mean why go half way right?

4. What are your thoughts on your kid(s) going to school in a few weeks?


5. Pool or Ocean?

Ocean everytime baby, I hate swimming in a pool, and I am lucky enough to live right by the ocean :)