I'm a worried Mama today, Ethan's not been himself since Monday, he's been very restless, upset if I leave him for a moment, and he hasn't pooped since Sunday night. Add to that a rash on his chest and a lot of sick coming up and it results in my concern. Maybe I'm being over concerned but I'm new to this and he's just so young.
We took him to the Doctor yesterday and she didn't seem concerned, said he had a 'non specific rash' and that we should try cool boiled water to help him go to the toilet. We are to call back Thursday/Friday if he still hasn't been able to open his bowels or if his rash gets worse.
That made me feel better, but it's still horrible watching him struggle to poop and being sick so much after his bottles. He's had some cool boiled water and is currently asleep {which is better than yesterday and the day before when he just wouldn't sleep without being on me} so I'm hoping we get a poop soon so that he starts to feel better.

Have any of you had any problems like this with your babies? Is this normal? I understand that formula fed babies are more likely to get constipated but he took his last poop Sunday night, {when he was going every 24 hours}?! Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
*Update - He has now been to the toilet! The cool boiled water worked! :) Yay!
HOWEVER his chest rash does seem worse:

Should I be worried? Or is this common in new babies? Like I said previously the Doctor wasn't concerned but obviously as his Mum I am. :|
On Instagram : alexgladwin