Self Expression Magazine

Five Years

Posted on the 20 March 2013 by Sighbury @sighbury
Five Years Five Years

Just recently my daughter turned five. If I were a habitual Facebook user I would have probably posted a picture on her birthday and wrote something completely vacuous like ‘My little girl is 5 today. Where did that go?’ I know exactly where it went because I’ve spent most of the time documenting it with pictures and videos and diaries. Just never here. Which seems a bit peculiar when I think about it.

This blog was always meant to be about the things in life that inspire me and yet the things that inspire me the most, my children, I’ve largely refrained from mentioning.

I know that part of the reason for this is because personally I tend to switch off when I hear others write about their kids in minute, painstaking, boring detail. I realize now that I just wasn’t looking in the right places. Through my work I’ve stumbled across many great blogs written by parents about their children and family in an open, funny and engaging way. And what has struck me about all of them is what a great document this will leave for the children when they grow older and no longer want to talk or be seen with their parents ever again.

So from now on I will talk about the children. I’ll show pictures and maybe get a bit slushy when describing how great they are. Or maybe next week I’ll decide that I want to write about great chip shops I’ve frequented. At this precise moment though, I’m doing it for the kids.

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