I’m so happy & excited this morning! I’m headed out-of-town for a 10th anniversary vacation with my hubby this morning! This is our first “no kids” vacation in 4 years!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to our family for taking care of them and holding down the fort while we are away. We are so extraordinary grateful!
So…with such a happy blog today you might be wondering why I chose Cee Lo’s “F#$k You” as my song of the day. That is because there will be no kids around! I can swear all I want to! Woo hoo!!!
One of the funniest moments in these last 10 years was when we were driving in a car with my sister-in-law in Las Vegas. The kids weren’t with us. When my hubby realized it, he started howling with manic laughter and screaming out, “F$%k, F$%ity, F$%k, F%&k!” The swear words were flying, and we were all in fits of laughter.
Sometimes, swearing feels really good! So, click HERE to hear Cee Lo sing his awesome song, “F%^k You,” as I fly off into the wild blue yonder singing it as loud as I can!