If you were on the blog earlier today you might have noticed there was no Friday post up. I was not sure what I wanted to write about today. For the last few years I have done the #FlashbackFriday post every Friday. Lately there does not seem to be many people joining the linky so I am considering letting it go. What do you guys think? The purpose of the linky was to share any of your favorite posts and connect with other bloggers but I don't think it is doing that. Do you want me to keep it? What I am considering is replacing Flashback Friday with an update on my Plan B. You know my plan to become a Single Mother By Choice. Let me know in the comments what your preference is, a blogger link up or regular updates on my journey to mother hood. Oh, and here is my latest video on becoming a mommy.
Other than today being the first day of Spring, it is also International Day of Happiness. Overall, happiness has been present with me this week. I celebrated my birthday and actually got things accomplished at the day job. One of the happiest feelings I have had has been reflecting on my birthday. Friends and family came out to celebrate with me, others called, texted, and left me messages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We all have moments where we feel alone with our struggles, problems, and stress. All of the people who wished me well for my birthday served as reminders that I'm not alone that there are people in my life who like me, enjoy spending time with me, people who love me and wish me well. This reminder was very much needed, right on time and a source of happiness.
Did you know it was International Day of Happiness? What has been your greatest source of happiness this week?