Flashback Friday: Fresh Canvas For Joy

Posted on the 21 December 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Happy Friday Joy Chasers,

It has been quite a week.  It started out rough but ended pretty good.  Thank you all for your support, prayers, emails, tweets, and FB posts this week.  They truly kept me going.  

Now it's time to talk Flashbacks.  My Flashback post this week, Fresh Canvas for Joy,  is about pulling out a blank canvas, and start again after accepting that your life is not turning out as picture perfect as you planned.

Here are my favorite posts from last weeks link up.  Are your Blogging Friends Leaving Social Media is about the trend of bloggers abandoning certain social media hang out in favor of focusing only on their blogs. Fav Quote Friday, Lifestyle: Thoughts on Giving had a quote that I really loved, “As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.~Mary Anne Radmacher

After you check out the best of the best from last weeks link up add your own below.  Here is how it works.  Flashback Friday is where we Flashback to our older blog posts and give them new life through the power of the linky!!!  Pick out your link and add it below.  Link to any post you like of any theme you want.  Feel free to post a link to your Flashback post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page so more Joy Chasers can read it.  Use the hashtag #FlashbackFriday or #FBF on twitter to promote your Flashback post.  Add your link below and be sure to check out AT LEAST TWO other Flashback posts.  I suggest the two links before your post to make it easy.  Leave a comment saying why you selected your Flashback post and what you thought of the other Flashback Posts.