#FlashbackFriday: Hunt For Joy

Posted on the 02 May 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Happy Friday!!!
I hope you had a great week and are destined for an even better weekend. I'm ready to dive into the Flashback.
Here is how it works.  Just link up one of our older posts that needs a little love. It really is that simple.  You can link up any post you like, but the idea is to link up an older one, and give it new life via the power of the linky. The only rule is to be sure to visit AT LEAST TWO other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back and visit at least two of the links that come after yours. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about the linky using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag.

My favorite post from last week's linky is Ashley Churchyard's the Beautiful Body Challenge.  She wants us all to be able to love our bodies. This week I am linking up Hunt for Joy.  This post is about a fun prank I played on my mom one Christmas.
What are you linking up this week?