I hope you had a good week and have fun plans for the weekend. Who's having a Superbowl party?
Here are my favorite posts from last weeks Flashback:
Twitter Friend in Danger reminds us to look out for our online friends even if we have never met them "in real life".
Party Tips offered just that, tips on how to throw a good party. The tips were practical yet unique. Some of which I have never seen before.
Liza (a)Musing Foodie extols the virtues of chicken breast.
My Flashback this week is a poem about a battle I am overcoming. Check out Joyful Food Friend.
Now it's time for you to share your Flashback. Pick out your link and add it below. Link to any post you like of any theme you want. Then, if you want, you can post a link to your Flashback post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page so more Joy Chasers can read it. Use the hashtag #FlashbackFriday or #FBF on twitter to promote your Flashback posts. Then, make sure you check out AT LEAST TWO other flashback posts. I suggest the two links before your post to make it easy. If you link up early be sure to come back and checkout those who join the linky after you. Please leave a comment below saying why you selected your Flashback post and what you thought about the other Flashback posts.
*Make sure you invite your bloggy friends to join in the Flashback so our little link party can grow.
*** Be sure to enter my Most Joyful Things Giveaway. Lots of prizes and lots of ways to enter. Go here -> Most Joyful Things Giveaway