Florida My Fast & Furious Moved

Posted on the 24 June 2014 by Madamidea @madamidea

After  4 days traveling from PA to FL , we need a big break as soon as we moved to a the apt the first thing we did was to go to the beach . After that we went to different places and free cars shows malls Barbie house , etc. My daughter finally saw her dear cousin Nikki we we took them to this wonderful park (soon I will let you know their parks names and address ) and many more places ,   Many may ask why we moved to Florida, well after a big research and see that our life as family is more important that anything my husband and I decide to moved and make Florida our new home , yes I left my house in PA and many good friends which I missed a lot , but health and quality time as family is more important is priceless for us. My husband was heavy commuted  to NYC for 11 yrs everyday back and for for three hours going and three hours back to PA.,  Yes was not easy to be in Florida but now with our news friends that been our support we start making Florida our home our fun place to be. I hope you can enjoy some pics of what we did in our first year in South Florida.
Madam Idea
Florida my fast & furious moved
Florida my fast & furious moved
Florida my fast & furious moved
Florida my fast & furious moved
Florida my fast & furious moved