
Posted on the 07 April 2015 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Dear Vidur,

At this point, as you tackle the long list of entrance exams and the rigorous preparation that goes into each one, life can seem overwhelming and what you need to adopt as your mantra is...


I am glad you have inherited the habit of making lists. I love that you indicate the time you will need to complete item, add the date and split it into mini tasks so you can work on them to finish your list in time. The trick is to prioritize and then, focus on one thing at a time.

There is this lovely quote that goes "If you chase two rabbits, both will escape"

Focus helps you know what to do and when to do it.

Now, my heart fills with pride when I recall a number of instances where you have advised me to "cut out those distractions and focus only on what I need to do" - on those days when I have felt harassed with an overfull plate and didn't know where to start.

Today, I am going to repeat your advice to me, elaborately and with reference to your current situation. I know that you are focused, but I also know there are times when you feel restless, tired and feel the heat, literally and figuratively.

For the next four months, just focus on one thing at a time. Look at your calendar and just focus on the next milestone. I know you have the JEE Mains coming next on April 10. Focus only on that for now, not on all the other things you have on your list. When you focus, you get more done, and get it done much better.

I know how distractions sneak in. Life will always be full of them and it is easy to lose focus with distractions that are tempting. When that happens, you lose direction and your priorities become messed up. Your mind becomes scattered - and you find yourself busy without actually accomplishing anything. The result? Too many things initiated that are likely to be ditched - and yet you've invested time and effort in them. Above all, the confusion, guilt and the regret of what should have been, could have been.

"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." - Mark Twain

Luckily, your mind is wired to create whatever you focus on. What you think about, your mind works to make it happen. When you want to achieve your goals, move your focus away from what you do not want, and go purposefully towards what you want. As always, there will be hurdles on the way and the only way to overcome them is - focus. I realize you have to be flexible to incorporate changes when required, but the main focus never shifts, right?

The best example I can think of in relation to "focus" is photography. Without focus, those photos are blurry and disappointing. No matter what you greatest intention, if you do not focus your efforts, the result will be less than satisfactory. Remember how often we used the word concentrate when encouraging you to prepare for a test or a contest. Just another word for focus.

"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."- Alexander Graham Bell

More than anything, remember to focus on the present, on the things that really matter. Chip away all the unnecessary time-wasters from your routine.

"Focus is a matter of deciding what things you're not going to do."- John Carmack

And as you tackle all that you have to do, don't forget to focus on your own health and fitness. Each time you achieve something, let your focus also turn to gratitude.

Focus on all that is good and be motivated to move forward and become the best version of yourself.

Focus on your potential, not on you limitations. Dream big, work hard, stay focused

When you do that, life is good.

"A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power." Brian Tracy

Finally, keep this wonderful thought in your mind: this is from your Grandma: Focus on solutions, not problems. She lived that way.

Love and hugs, Blessed to be your Mom

F is for Focus

F is for Forgive on Life Hacks For Happiness

F is for Footcare tip on Life Hacks for Diabetics

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