Focusing On the Good Stuff #Gratitude

Posted on the 25 June 2015 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

The more I live, the more I appreciate the following words:

'Enough' is a feast. Buddhist proverb

Okay, so I confess it doesn't apply to books, but pretty much everything else. The first thing I do every morning, after I brush my teeth and smile at myself in the mirror is light the lamp. I pray. I end up laughing happily when I think of my family, my friends, my life. I think I have enough of everything. (except books, that is).

And thus begins my day. Regardless of what baggage I carry from the previous day or week, I can't help feeling grateful for everything I have.

It has been a rough two weeks with tough decisions to make, falling sick one by one and some other issues. But you know what they say, what goes down must bounce back up. And that's what we did - a little slower than usual - and I think it must be because of the rains.

We decided to look at the days at home as a good chance to slow down literally and enjoy each other's company. It was enjoyable to have my hands full with waking up, making the coffee, resting, cooking lunch, catching up with a little work, making tea and having it together with my folks, managing to drag ourselves upstairs to walk for at least 30 minutes and get some fresh air, then back downstairs to rustle up a simple dinner, reading for a bit and getting to bed when the headache threatened to start.

I focused on the good things and before I knew it, I had enough to feel grateful for.

My gratitude list

  • Watching TV and laughing together with my family.
  • Making easy one-dish meals
  • Tea-time and mealtimes together
  • The love and appreciation from my folks
  • Skyping with my uncle and reminiscing about my childhood
  • My friends' response to my invitation on Facebook to list 3 things they were grateful for
  • Grateful that my son didn't fall sick during his exams or entrance tests
  • The fact that my son was well enough to attend his first day of college today, and that he enjoyed his first day
  • Having the college within walking distance from home without the stress of a long commute
  • My neighbors, who are kind enough to receive my mail when I have to step out.
  • My little friend next door, a 5th grader who gifted me this get-well-soon gift. A pair of handmade earrings! She made them especially for me. She told me I can hook the loop to any earring I wore. How sweet! Don't miss the note with the earrings!
    This lovely sight just outside my gate. There's construction going on across the road and I see these two every day. The little one is a bright little sweety with the most charming smile.
  • While hanging out clothes to dry the day before yesterday, my son called us out to watch the skies - it was the most beautiful sight - the blue skies with scattered cloud patterns and a bunch of moving clouds racing across the almost static ones. It is a sight I will hold in my heart - along with the memory of the three of us looking up, rapt.
  • My friends, for calling me regularly and the marathon conversations we delight in.
  • I am grateful I am sitting up today to write this!

This lovely poem which is a wonderful reminder to be grateful, no matter what.

Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you .

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary
Because it means you've made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.

Author Unknown

What is on your gratitude list? ♥

Join us - Corinne and me - for The Gratitude Circle blog hop that goes live on the 4th Thursday every month - linky is live and open for a month! Write your post, grab the badge below for your post and link your gratitude post to the linky below. Looking forward to reading your posts!

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