Since its the holiday season and we're all eating.... and eating.... and eating. Some of us are trying really hard to watch the waist line or should I say, some of us are watching the waist line... grow. Food can be our enemy. But, food can also be our best friend if we learn how to apply it right. Food is not just for nourishment but it is also our medicine. I've had my battles with food. If only I had known then what I know now, I would have never had to struggle with food. Food would have never been my enemy but my best friend in all the right ways. I would have had a healthy love affair with food and not the wrong, unhealthy love affair. If only I could literally get a 'do over', I would even educate my mom at a young tender age and help her (un)cook healthier foods. She was into health and fitness but didn't know any better back then because the information was so limited.
I want to share with you, recipes I have made that are raw, living foods and are PERFECT for the holiday season to share with you family and friends! This way, you won't have to feel the guilt of cheating and everyone can taste a bit of what it's like to be fit and not have to sacrifice flavor. You can have your cake and eat it too! YUM! And ICE CREAM!!!!!!
Recipe #1
Hot and Tart Avocado Soup
1c filtered water
1 large Avocado
1 Lime
3 Cucumbers
1Garlic Clove
1 Green Onion
1 pk Miso
2 Celery Stalks
2 tsp Cayenne
1 tsp Curry
Sea Salt to taste
Add all ingredients to Vitamix blender until smooth. You can either enjoy cold or heat it up and enjoy hot. If you like it hot. Take care to heat it up slowly and try to watch the temperature. If you heat it over 105*F you run the risk of killing the the enzymes in the soup. Feel free to play with the ingredients! Add more Cayenne and curry if you like it really hot or don't add so much if you can't handle the heat. You could put some Greek Yogurt in it too! What about some carrot juice to go with it instead of lime juice?
Recipe #2 Lisa Screams for Vanilla Ice Cream!
5 oz.Vanilla Greek Yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/16 tsp scant sea salt
1 cup sweet almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein shake (optional if you're into that stuff)
1 banana
Sweetener (Optional, such as Stevia or dates, raw honey, etc.)
Add all ingredients to the Vitamix and blend until smooth. If you don't have a Vitamix, just use your regular blender. Add mixed ingredients into ice trays and freeze. Once cubes are frozen, remove from the trays and reblend. Place the ice cream into a bowl and serve with an ice cream scoop to get that real ice cream look. Refreeze any that is left over for later. Feel free to play with this by adding fruit or peanut butter, chocolate chips, etc.