Self Expression Magazine

for the Girls

Posted on the 08 March 2018 by Mushbrainedramblings

Since small person’s birth, I’ve been totally and utterly floored and awed by the wonder of women, something I think I’d never quite grasped in my work centred previous existence. So, this goes out to all the wondrous women who, over the last few years of up, down, painful, euphoric, thrilling, mundane, daunting, exciting, happy, sad, joyful, calm, bereft, magical, bleak, musical and muddled moments, have helped me to;




get by


get up in the morning


look after my daughter



drink Guinness


read (yes it did happen once)



fix stuff

pack boxes

dig the garden

care for my mother

stand tall




not feel afraid

be silent


shout out loud

let go


be cared for

be defiant

have humility

continue to breastfeed

share every day adventures

dig deep

have time to myself



be spontaneous


plat hair




be mothered



set boundaries


get muddy


feel joy


listen to advice

and rebuild my sense of me

thank you


T H A N K   Y O U

(… and of course to many men who have also played their part, especially the man who agreed to publish my book, and the man who, some two and a half years ago, encouraged me to grow my arm pit hair, something which, rather oddly, has given me an absurd amount of “fuck you” conviction when I’ve needed it in so many different situations… and no this wasn’t the hair I learned how to plat, though who knows maybe one day I’ll try.)

I write this on International Women’s Day, and this year, more than ever before I realize the strength of women, and the importance of the women and our voices in this world, and of course in our own lives.

I’ve been (and continue to be) bought up by a mighty woman who had to give up her job as the company she and my father worked for in the early 60s wouldn’t employ a woman if they also employed her husband, she’s in her 90’s now, teaching and inspiring small person and I on a daily basis. I am raising a daughter who last year was the only girl in her class at school,  she beat all the boys in her race on sport’s day, and was the only child in the class to perform a solo in assembly, let alone every recital assembly of the year. Her future must not be limited because of her gender.

THANK YOU most of all to the two of them, my girls, my daughter and my mother.

The three of us went to the local celebration of 100 year’s of (some) women in the UK getting the vote a few weeks back … some 150 years of life between us. It was a special evening, and the experience is one I’ll always hold dear… a few days later I drove them both to Scotland for the funeral of one of my mother’s oldest friends (they’d known each other 90 years), we sang rebel songs, we sang children’s songs, we told stories and we laughed our way up the A1, and when we (eventually) arrived in Edinburgh in the evening we celebrated being 3 girls together on a road trip … from one past to the other’s future … the learning never stops, and the opportunities must continue to grow.

for the girls

celebrating just being together after a 9 hour drive to Scotland

for the girls

just cos

Oh and because it’s International Women’s Day, or was when I wrote this, why not donate a bit of money, to celebrate the wonder of women, to Women’s Aid … they provide a vital, essential service and deserve oodles of funding.

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