for the Visually Impaired at What Cheer

Posted on the 28 November 2012 by Lily Hydrangea

I love little chests of drawers like this. and the fact that whoever set this display up pasted a black and white vintage photo of a bespectacled man from... I'm guessing the 1950's? - only makes it more endearing. I wish I had taken a better photo of the scene below (what with the vintage playboy hanging above the dignified portraits) but I couldn't resist including it to show you the variety of what's inside this store. pretty funny right?in other news, please notice the above fire extinguisher. I've been wanting to post this photo from "what cheer" since my last post about this shop but every time I'd look at it all I could think of was how I have neglected to replace my outdated fire extinguishers! it's weird how chores like that can gnaw away at you until you finally take care of them - not that I have taken care of it. I also need to replace the batteries in my smoke detectors throughout my house. I usually bug my husband to do this whenever daylight saving time begins or ends. last year we had a combination smoke/carbon monoxide detector hardwired into our basement and dining room ceilings that included a back up battery in case the power goes out, but that system will only work if we keep the batteries fresh. and getting back to the fire extinguisher - I have to wonder, does everyone keep one in their home? it's not as if I am anticipating a fire. I think it's more like one of those things where if you have one in your home you will most likely never have to use it. how is that for logic?