For Those Who Enjoy Reading: My 4th Place Prize.

Posted on the 12 January 2012 by Bloomer14 @Bloomsaturation
Hi all.Its been a rather long time since I've simply written just for the sake of writing. For the sake of saying hello and how happy I am you are here reading my blog and enjoying all the fun fashion, makeup and random life events I enjoy. In my career I see a lot of faces every single day and a big question I've been getting a lot lately is "why do you like to blog?". The Million Dollar Question I suppose.Growing up I was a huge little bit of an introvert. I LOVED reading and writing. Often times I could be found sitting up against the brick wall at school nose buried in a book while all the other kids played Four Square, Basketball, Wall Ball or Pongs. Yes, Pongs. I was a shy girl who was often intimidated by those around her and for absolutely no reason at all. I remember being scared of the kids in my grade so I hung out with all the sixth graders after an older girl who lived next to me started walking to and from school with me. Now looking back, I know I was the "girl who hangs with the 6th graders". Little did I know, I was already too mature for my age.  Despite the makeup looks you all see me create now, I was nowhere near as talented when it came  to drawing or painting when I was younger. I entered a contest in the 4th grade where we had to draw and create a book cover for our favorite novel. I spent FOREVER on this book cover. Taking my time and making sure not to rush because I knew I didn't have the skill to bust it out over night. I spent about 3 or 4 days working on it and found myself falling in love with this project of mine. It had become my baby and boy was I protective of it. For reading day my entire 4th grade class gathered in the library for the librarians to announce the winners of the book cover contest. 3rd place... Someone else. Second place... someone else. First place? yep someone else again. I felt my little 8 year old heart crush. How could my cover not make it? I worked so hard on it and I thought it turned out wonderfully. The Librarian hushed all the kids to calm down because they had one more award to present. "We had so many amazing entries for this contest and although we said there would only be 3 winners there was one more we felt really deserved an award." I remember time slowing down, my heart in my throat and who knows.. I was probably sweating. 4th place... ME. I was in so much shock I almost forgot how to stand up. I sat Indian style on the ground for a good 30 seconds before the librarian started looking at me funny. I finally got my legs to function and went up front to claim my prize. I will never forget how amazing that day felt. I still have my 4th place ribbon and my book cover safely tucked away at my moms house. That was the year I knew I wanted to be involved with books and writing. It was a completely different art and one that I could get lost in for days. As I got older, I drifted from my tom-boy ways and at 15 started wearing mascara and lip gloss. Oh and I finally got my brows waxed for the first time. I thought I was getting all glamoured out! In junior high I was in choir where I had the amazing opportunity to perform two solo pieces and was also on the dance team. Both of those things were the girliest things I've ever done. My friends and I would do each others hair and makeup for performances and also for our dances. I still had no idea I loved makeup as an art yet. I was still quite the shy, introvert book worm. Which is probably why everyone I knew at the time was shocked to see me singing a solo let alone dance on stage. Who is this girl?? Honestly, I got mediocre grades. Nothing lower than a 2.7 and nothing higher than a 3.3. That 3.3 felt pretty damn good though. When it came to school work, if you needed me to bust out an essay for you, done. If you throw numbers my way, sorry my brain shuts off. And all that wood shop stuff? Please. But, writing. Writing I could do.My dream was to become a writer. I can't even begin to tell you how many books I've created and when I fell in love with film, how many scripts and plays. During my English 2010 class back in early 2007, I started this blog. Now, let me jump back for a second. High school wasn't for me. I disliked most of the people I went to school with because they all thought they were better than each other and it was a huge popularity contest. I had bigger fish to fry. I showed up, went to class, turned in my homework and left. I was working full time outside of school to pay for my car, phone and saving for college. As soon as I was able to graduate early, I did. I was onto bigger and better things. I was ready for the college world and couldn't wait to get started! In early 2005 I was in a bad car accident that totaled my second car. I had zero help or guidance on how to go about getting another car or even a loan to do so. I was hurt no one was willing to show me the ropes of car buying so being the strong willed and stubborn girl that I am I said, "I don't need your help." And I never asked for anything from anyone in my family. I went two years without a car (ages 18-20), had two jobs and 4-5 classes each semester. I lived about 35-45 minutes away (driving distance) from both of my jobs and one of my campuses. I caught a bus every morning at 630am, got off that bus at a Trax station where I would catch the 7am rail and by 725/30am I would get dropped off at the nearest stop to my first job which I still had a 15 minute walk to. I would work from 8am to about 12:50pm and then I would book it a block away to my campus for a few classes and by 4pm I would make the 20 minute walk from campus to the Trax stop where I would ride the rail all the way downtown to my night job as a hostess at a sushi restaurant. By the time I finished up that shift, I would catch the 10:45pm Trax and by 11:20pm I would finally make it down to the area I lived in only to have a 30-40 minute bus ride home followed by a 10 minute walk to my house. The next day I would wake up and do it all over again. It was the hardest yet most fun two years I've ever experienced. I relied heavily on the Trax and UTA system back then and while taking my English 2010 class UTA made an announcement they were cutting about 10 Trax stops and around 100 bus stops. This was going to be brutal! My professor asked us to create a unique and intriguing final project based on a topic we are passionate about. I got the idea to write a blog along with writing a letter to the most important people handling this UTA move. I originally created this blog for a homework assignment. After the class was over, I abandoned the blog even though I had so much fun creating it. I never closed the account or removed the blog and years later I thought to myself "why am I not writing on my blog?". I went through my blog and saved a copy of my writing but erased the entries for my blog so I could start fresh and write about absolutely anything I wanted. I had no idea it would become what it has today and as some of you fellow blogger's may understand, this little blog is my baby now. Its my 4th place prize if you will. I have always been ambitious and a hard worker and I truly see that when I go back and look at my first posts. This little blog has come a long way for me and I am so thankful to everyone who reads it and enjoys it. I still get ideas in my head for movies and scripts and now my overall dream is to one day write for a beauty or health magazine. Perhaps I should start looking into internships! From the bottom of my heart readers, thank you.