On Friday, my colleagues and I ordered some Chinese food to be delivered. I love Sesame Chicken. However, I don't love all Sesame Chicken. More than Sesame Chicken, I love egg drop soup. Delicious.
Of course the highlight of any chinese food meal is... the fortune cookie. Most fortune cookies are pretty vague. They all say something poetic about life or something incredibly generic, right. My fortune, "A pleasant surprise is in store for you tonight."
Yeah. Right. I tried to guess what it could be. Now it couldn't be something cynically hilarious, because it had to be pleasant. Here were my guesses:
1. My Netflix streaming wouldn't take FOREVER to load as usual.
2. Some elves came in my house and washed my dishes and folded my laundry.
3. A pony (duh, always going to be a pleasant surprise)
4. I am actually awake when Sam calls to say he is off from work.
What actually was my pleasant surprise:
1. A 102 point word on Words with Friends
2. My slanket was already out on the couch (because I had left it there from the night before).
3. Two pieces of cheese on my grilled cheese sandwich I had for dinner.
4. Elves did not come do my dishes or my laundry. Why pleasant? It would be creepy to know that elves were crawling around your house going through your underwear.
5. No pony, which also means, no pony poo.
Sometimes you just have to accept that a pleasant surprise can be something small.