
Posted on the 29 May 2012 by Zer @the2women

Cubicles or over-sized petri dishes?

After a long holiday weekend, it’s time to get back to the office. If you’re feeling a little out of it after all that rest and relaxation, don’t worry, 2WC is here to help with a healthy dose of office fear.

Your co-workers may be sharing more with you than just memos and office gossip. Turns out your fellow employees may be spreading germs as well.

Shocking and unbelievable as it may be, a study found that these people you thought you sort of knew, could be trying to kill you with their bacteria covered workspaces, files and hands.

It should be noted that this study was conducted by a cleaning supplies manufacturer; so they may have something to gain from the results.

So you can rest easy (sort of) during your mid-morning nap today. Of course, next thing you know, they’ll be saying we’re all germ carriers…good luck.

More on the Story: MSNBC

…just for fun:

Cubicle Pranks