Found 1 Bottle of Gripe Water

Posted on the 22 September 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

While cleaning up last night I uncovered a bottle of Hartley’s Natural Gripe Water. We used this when the twins were babies. It was recommended by a family member and I had no idea about it. I went to the chemist and asked and was told it would help with wind in babies. I thought why not give it a go. Just a little bit allowed the girls allowed the girls to not have any issues colic, wind, and tummy upsets.

Hartely’s Natural Gripe Water. Great for soothing colic, wind and tummy upsets.

I thought it funny that we still had it, and wondered what you have in your cupboard from when the kids were babies or from your younger years? Did you use Gripe Water? I found it helped. As the kids are now five and this bottle has been in the back of the cupboard for well over four years, it is going to the bin. If you need help for colic, wind and little problems with the tummy maybe give this a try.

I am not paid by Hartley’s to sing the praises of Gripe Water, I just thought I should share. It might help someone that did not know or family has not let them know.