Four Months

Posted on the 29 October 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

At four months …

- Weighs 16.2lbs! Her little baby rolls are delicious and adorable and she’s a healthy, growing girl. She’s also 26″ long.

- “Grabs” for things. She grabs onto stuff she wants and gives them big hugs before going to put them in her mouth. This includes her stuffed animals, her feet, her blankets, and her rubber ducky:

- Has her baths in the “big girl tub” now. (AKA, the bath tub) She got too big for her infant bath tub at about 2 1/2 months, so we “upgraded” her to the bath tub when she was 3 months. She loves the amount of space she has now to kick and splash, and I don’t have to worry about the counters getting soaked.

- Sucks her thumb to console herself if she’s popped her soother out of her mouth! I’m not too sure what I think of her thumb sucking habits, but at least she can calm herself down. My brother and I were both BAD thumb suckers, to the point where our knuckles cracked and bled, so I’m hoping she doesn’t get that bad.

- Can roll over!! Last week she rolled over for the first time – While I wasn’t watching! I turned for two seconds to dry my hands and poof – there she was on her tummy after teetering on her side for the longest time. Kyle saw it all happen, which makes me happy. Then, later in the evening, she did it again and I managed to catch it on video:

- Am sad that it’s cold outside because the opportunities to go out walking with Isla are now few and far  between.

- Decided that it’s time to let my bangs grow out. I never get around to making appointments to have them trimmed because I never have enough time. We had a good run.

- Was pretty happy to get some retail therapy done! It’s really helped me feel less like a frumpy house slob. Look great, feel great, right?

- Got the flu last Sunday. I spend Sunday morning heaving my guts out and the rest of the day sleeping on the couch. Lucky for me, my mom came and took Isla to her house to let me rest, only bringing her back over to nurse when it was time. Yay for moms who are a 5 minute walk away!

- Am dreading the thought of Christmas shopping. I have no idea what to get anyone and the thought of shopping just makes me shudder. Yuck. Not that I’m not looking forward to Isla’s first Christmas.


One month
Two months
Three months