Frankenstein, #827

Posted on the 31 October 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Happy Halloween everyone!  Yayyyyy!!!  I’m so excited!  This is the best day…even if I’m a little under the weather.  This holiday is just fun, fun, fun all the way around.  I will push the scratchy throat aside and get ready to celebrate in the best way possible….as a Mommy.

I’ve always loved this holiday so much from childhood to adulthood, but having kids brings it to a whole different level.  There is nothing better than sharing their excitement.  They are jumping out of their skin getting ready for this big day.  Phooey, by the way, to the third grade teaching team at my children’s school for making the decision to not allow the kids to wear their costumes to school today.  That is stealing part of childhood away.  Oh well…’ll be a great day for them no matter what, and I will make certain of it.

Our festivities started last night with pumpkin carving and roasting pumpkin seeds.  Here they are…our Halloween 2013 creations:

My Little Pony

Patrick (epic fail….his tummy fell apart!)

Halloween kitty

Martha Stewart pretty pumpkin

Colored pumpkin that my son made in Cub Scouts

We are full of Halloween spirit and are ready to go!  Pumpkins blazing, treat bags sitting on the counter, time set aside to properly costume up……it’ll be a great night.

My song of the day is Edgar Winter’s “Frankenstein,” because it’s a darn good jam to be blasting all day today.  Click HERE to hear it and crank your speakers up.  There is so much to celebrate!  Happy Halloween!