
Posted on the 25 May 2014 by Katherine Anne Cutar @katherineannika
I had to meet up someone @ Ayala regarding business matters after which I had nowhere else to go so I beeped this girl up coz we had a misunderstanding and I want to talk to her and it was just the perfect time. :)There she goes. My adorable "best friend".Good thing she learns fast she can be my personal photographer haha!Yep, I should start working out because my arms are getting fat. Wait, I am getting fat. :/© Erika Jayne CuiThis! So love this shot.I didn't even asked her to take pictures of me. Just a lot of thanks, Erika! HeeGee! :3
I miss doing things together with her just like we used to do in high school. Unfortunately, we're already grown ups and we have to mind our separate priorities now. Good thing we can still hangout and go to places together, if we have time. What I like about this friendship is that she easily gets me upset and I could forgive her right away. Haha just why is that? Hmmp.
Anyway, that's it. Expressing about friendship stuff. Thank you for reading anyway!