Friday 02.03.2012

Posted on the 20 July 2013 by Therealme

Is March cursed?

There was no place for me in the bus. Stanley turned around twice to seek seat for me, then I looked towards him, I assumed he had something to tell, but he turned back and never looked back again. Anyway, the only free places had a girl next to them. Never mind you be happy.
On Sport, the males from out class except me helped the professor to prepare the gym for the upcoming tournament. I only stood, neither them asked me, neither I offered myself. Andy tried to strengthen the volleyball net, but he had a difficulty spinning, so the professor said jokingly:
-You can’t? When Nicky will grab with the teeth. – looking at me.
Derek V. laughed. I returned it the same way. You know how easy I fake smile.
-Why are you laughing? – said the professor, before he looked at my mouth.
It was glad to me that somebody finally isn’t neglecting my big teeth. They are part of me, the first thing other see when I speak or smile. I don’t want people to ignore them or their subject when they speak to me. They won’t hurt me, they will just show me I am a human. Thank you professor, God bless you. Stay in that good mood forever!
Towards the end of the lesson, the gym was empty and Andy asked me:
-Will we go Nick?
I was caught by the moment. It was early, but all the others have gone.
-Yes. – I said.
If I had said no, he would have possibly asked me “Why not”.
He entered at the place I know as “At Gerald’s” without saying anything to me, probably for food. I waited him, shortly he went out and he went on. It wasn’t rung and in our classroom some students from 3rd year were having Geography. I said “Good afternoon”, after Andy did and the professor asked him:
- Aren’t you on a lesson?
I could only guess the answer. I quickly put my bag off and rushed back to Sport.
-Where are you going? – Andy asked.
-On Sport – it was from heard from my mouth, right before I closed the door.
I sat alone in the gym, I heard the other guys speaking from the girls’ locker room. Elaine came first, then Ethan and asked:
-Where are the others?
-I don’t know – Elaine said.
-Some are in the classroom – was my response although the question was supposedly proposed to Elaine. Later Andy asked somebody: “Did they write me on Sport?”
On Economy, the professor asked us for a wet handkerchief, then for serviette probably to clean the crumbs. I turned around.
-Nick will give you. – Tiffany said.
-Nick has? –Adele asked.
I gave her two. After she cleaned, she returned me the remained one.
-Thank you.
Seems like our contact remained the same, the quiz changed nothing. Same formality, no angriness.
On French I received A because of my “good reading” in front of the commission last lesson.
I and Sarah stayed in the classroom after lessons and rewrote the English exercises for the written work form the Headway Teacher’s book. The end is interesting:
Sarah: Are there any other exercises what she gave us?
Nick: Wait to see.
Sarah: Come on, we don’t have time.
Nick: Whoa. – I was surprised to see that the time was 13:42. How come I didn’t see before? Nobody had seventh lesson, so it didn’t ring. Sarah turned the computers off and took on her jacket. We took the shortcut, but while rushing, Sarah said:
-There’s the bus.
It was going. We missed it.
I waved. Sarah laughed.
-Sarah call somebody. To Mary.
-You think they will wait for us?
However, she didn’t call. We lost the bus from our sight. Anyway, Sarah was wise and she suggested to go home with the “Creshovo topshe”’s bus.
She revealed me she had no credit, after she misunderstood me when I said “There’s no one to call to” referring the time when the CT bus was. Free transport again, lonelier.
Home, I (I obviously can’t use the word “maniacally” not to be misunderstood) walked through the Facebook’s profiles of the members from that gang. A.B. had a few albums named after B-13, but the stuff was hot girls, him and football. Ted was a fan of a group who claimed that B-13 was a shame for Macedonia. But they certainly didn’t hate me as they hate him. They strictly hate gays. The outfit makes me different from, being one, I guess. Last summer when B-13 was an actual subject in my life my cousin Sarah told me there was a kid from from Zlox, first year named Brian Johnston. I had no idea it was him. I don’t even remember if he had added me on Facebook before it. Last autumn my classmate Sarah asked me who Brian Johnston was because she didn’t add strangers (I disagree with that attitude) and I had him as a mutual friend. I said: “I don’t know him. He was first year.” Despite the fact he was then second. I don’t quite remember how and when found out who was him, I just know his profile photo took credit for it.
That Friday I not only found out Rob Donner had another profile and they called him Nika (Is it “Victory” or some footballer), but that Troy Donner, one generation older than me (and E.) was in fact his brother. I was surprised, but they looked-a-liked. So what, nobody told me.