Friday Fives: Five Ways To Confuse Your Child...

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Every parent wants to instill good behavior in their children, and of course there is nothing wrong with that.....
But over the years, whilst observing people around me bringing up their kids, I have noticed how common it is for parents to spout off instructions to their children only to later completely go against what they have said....
I have been trying to compile a little list in my mind of all the things I have witnessed so that I can try to avoid confusing my own child with these things when he's older....and I thought I'd share them with you today!
Five Ways To Confuse Your Child In The Name Of "Good Behaviour"
1. Tell your child that they must NEVER talk to strangers....and then later on, tell them off when they don't answer the check out lady at Sainsburys who was trying to have a conversation with them....
2.Tell your child that honesty is always the best policy and they must always tell the truth....and then go absolutely mental at them when they tell the truth and admit to doing something that you're not happy about.
3. If your child is shouting, the best course of action is - obviously - to shout at them "STOP SHOUTING!!!! IT'S RUDE TO SHOUT!!!" - or, similarly, if they hit somebody - tell them its wrong to hit somebody and then hit them as punishment.
4. Take them out shopping,  tell them that you can't afford the 50p chocolate bar or comic book they want, then treat yourself to bags full of whatever it is you went out shopping for....
5. Tell them they must always share their toys nicely - and then tell them off whenever they want to play with your things.
Have you got any of your own to add?! As always, I'd love to hear from you!