Friday's Letters

Posted on the 15 February 2013 by Sara Maurer @smaurer18
It's been awhile since I linked up with Ashley for Friday's Letters, and what better time like the present?  Am I right or am I right?  Boo-yah.
Dear Friday, you took forever to arrive.  Why?  Why do you make my weeks so difficult?  Dear photo sessions this weekend, I am so unbelievably excited for you.  What's better than getting to snuggle two newborns, and getting to spend time with cutie babies?! Dear weather, You have been pretty awesome the past few days.  Not too cold, not too warm, just right for February in my opinion.  Dear Ryder, Please be good tonight.  These tantrums at night are really for the birds.  Dear hubby, Our mini-vacation was fab.  I think we need to venture away again soon.  Vegas again?! The beach?! Anywhere?!?! Dear couch, I'll be seeing you in a few hours. 
Happy Friday, friends!! :-)