Friday - Stretch It Out

Posted on the 09 November 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Today is all about fitness. This is something that I have been working on more lately. I haven't been this week, but most other weeks I have been doing better than the past.
I thought today I would write about my workout strategy. I try (really hard) to complete videos from Blogilates. They are ligitj. I can usually do 1 or 2 videos. My goal for November is to do all the videos each day. (Wish me luck, because she is a good way)
I try to plan my workouts a week in advance. So when I go to the gym I know exactly what I am doing. so far it has worked out pretty well.
I get a lot of my workout combinations from pinterest. It helps to break up my workouts so I don't get into a routine. Also I try to workout when I'm at home doing chores. For example, I do wall sits while folding laundry. I do calf raises while brushing teeth and doing dishes.
I hope this helps. If you have any great ideas or suggestions please let me know. I'm always willing to try new things.