Diaries Magazine

Friday the 13th!

Posted on the 13 April 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
It's Friday the 13th. This day always gives me the creeps. But who cares? It's still Friday!
Yes, it's just that good. This week was actually pretty great. I think last weekend had a lot to do with that. I relaxed and enjoyed time with family, and it just set the tone for the week. It's Friday, which means it's time for High Five for Friday, which means I am linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk. She recently got a sweet blog make over and I am so jealous of her blog now. You should check it out and see who designed it!
So, as per usual I will announce the top five things of this week. Join along won't you? I am sure you had a pretty great week yourself! 
one. I had one of these suckers on the patio. It's virgin {mainly because I cannot handle tequila} but it was just as refreshing and fun to make as it was to drink! Friday the 13th!two. My hair is growing out. Wait, that's not the best part. I have this thing where my hair won't grow for like two months, and then out of nowhere it just grows like crazy. So that's the phase I am in right now. I am able to try new styles. I have to admit my style is now being influenced by the girls on Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl. Help me? You can't really tell, but I styled my hair with soft curls and pinned a portion of both sides back. I really loved my hair that day. Oh, and I have on my earrings from Elisabeth Ashlie Jewelry!
Friday the 13th!three. This pretty much sums up today. 
Friday the 13th!four. I won a giveaway, actually two giveaways! I was pretty excited to win both so close together. I never win anything, and now I have two awesome prizes. I won a wall decal from Urban Walls and it looks amazing in our bedroom. Luckily, its vinyl and safe for removal later so this works great in our rental. 
Friday the 13th! five. I received a $25 store credit for Jennifer Dahl Designs, so I got this necklace and charm to alternate with. It's pretty much my daily obsession. 
Friday the 13th!
 What were the highlights of your week?  

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Weekend Lovers! If you're interested, my weekly link up 'weekend love♥' will be up and running, so link up your post tomorrow. The post can be about your week, your weekend plans, heck even yo mama and daddy! So link up with me tomorrow, okay?  

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