Diaries Magazine

Fridays Finds & A Novel Recommendation

Posted on the 26 July 2014 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
Fridays Finds & A Novel Recommendation
I've been reading outside under a sunshade this week - a gripping novel by Linda Olsson, Let Me Sing You Gentle Songs.  

To prolong my time with this unique novel, I am reading only a few chapters a day. Linda Olsson gives you a way peek into the lives of to women, Astrid and Veronika, who through their friendship dare process some of the difficulties, they have faced. 

I am intrigued by the descriptions of places, moments, thoughts, personalities ... tasting the words, and enjoying the way things are written. I look so much forward of returning to the worlds of Astrid and Veronika later this afternoon!

Fridays Finds & A Novel Recommendation

The season of blueberries has started in Finland - my mom had picked a great bunch of them yesterday. Here in Denmark we don't have wild blueberries, but my husband bought some of them the other day ... I cherish the blue shade and the look of them almost as much as eating them!

Fridays Finds & A Novel Recommendation
We had a traditional Danish lunch in a lovely restaurant in the middle of the pretty Hareskov forest.
"Smørrebrød" goes back to the 19th century, where the lunch was the heaviest meal of the day. One used to use any remaining food - potatoes, meat, fish, vegetables - as a topping on the bread. 

We had lunch plates (the photo above) with 

  • White herring with onions and capers
  • Eggs and shrimps with herbmayonnaise, lemon and dill
  • Chicken salad with curry, mushrooms and bacon
  • A special beef-sausage fried with malt and spices and red onion

Fridays Finds & A Novel Recommendation

Afterwards we took a walk on the forest - we saw a tiny frog in the swampy area pictured above, and a deer running just across the path before us.

Fridays Finds & A Novel Recommendation
I have been baking rolls for breakfast this week. I tried a new recipe yesterday - by my favorite food blogging friend Dawn from Words of Deliciousness. She surely knows how to inspire with her recipes - I always find new ideas from her, here's some of my favorite dishes I've learned from her:
  • Bavarian Apple Torte ... The best apple pie ever!
  • Buttermilk-Blueberry Scones with Lemon Glaze - fresh and sweet taste of summer.
  • Chicken Parmesan Bundles - Yummy, both for the kids and adults!
  • Pillow-Soft Dinner Rolls - Tastes good for breakfast as well (picture above).
Dawn has a 3 year blog anniversary this month - pay a visit to her tasty and inspiring blog Words of Deliciousness.
_  _  _
The next two weeks, when I am away from the blog, you will find inspiring guest posts in my blog, written by special and unique blogging friends. I have also pre-posted For Your Sunday-posts and something else ... 
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

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