Frogs, Rain, and Comments.

Posted on the 29 February 2012 by Shayes @shayes08
Today has been a very blah day. My body is tired and my brain is lacking inspiration to write anything profound or witty at the moment. And so you shall get a random conglomeration of not so profound or witty thoughts that I've had today.
It apparently started dumping rain on this fair state of Virginia shortly after I arrived in the office. Unfortunately this means that my bright yellow rain boots, bright green rain coat, and bright red umbrella (noticing a pattern here...?) are all in my car. And I am in the office. So unfortunate.
Earlier today, it was raining so hard that the lights started flickering, several times. Myself and two other coworkers proceeded to pray that the power would go out so we could go home and have a lazy day off. If there was such thing as a Power Outage Dance (you a Snow Dance? or a Rain Dance?) I totally would've done it. Right in the middle of the office. In a pencil skirt and heeled boots. Yep. That's how I roll.
Today also happens to be Leap Day, which several friends have said should be a Federal Holiday. And I completely agree. For no other reason than it would've meant I wouldn't have had to come to work today and that would've been beautiful.
My friend's nephew is a Leapling. He's 8-years-old today, but technically it's only his second birthday. I feel like being a Leapling could either be really awesome, say, if your family gave you two birthdays (ie. February 28 and March 1) every non-leap year. Or it could royally suck. What if your family only celebrate your birthday on actual leap years? Oh, my sweet goodness, that would be awful. If I have a Leapling, we shall have a two-day celebration every non-leap year. Although that might make leap years and having the ability to actually celebrate your birthday on your birthday somewhat anticlimactic. What do you think?
Also, it being Leap Day, I've really wanted to play Leap Frog all over the office. But that wouldn't be appropriate. Because it's an office. And I'm in a pencil skirt and three-inch heels. *sigh* Being a grown-up is really boring sometimes.
Since I am thoroughly lacking inspiration today and because I had some super fun comments (mostly regarding The Saga...are you surprised?) this month, I thought I would link up with Jessica over at Faith Permeating Life for this month's Blog Comment Carnival.

From My Christian Mingle Rant:
Lorraine said: Psalms, really?! Christian Mingle is trying way too hard. Or maybe not hard enough? "Hmm, what would make this Christian? I KNOW! say something about God and put up a Bible verse. AND DONE." Blah.
Hannah said: Christian Mingle has always kinda given me the heebie jeebies. Something about it just I don't how to explain it. But your thoughts shed some light!
From Getting My Organization On:
Lozzz123 said: Haha I color code my clothes similarly to that too! Not only is it useful for finding stuff, but I find it very aesthetically appealing :) For my daily/weekly/monthly organisation, I can't go past the calendar program on my office computer, which I'm able to sync with my home computer and my phone/ipad. It has heaps of reminders that pop up through the day which is super helpful. However I think I rely on it a bit much, because if I forget to put it in the calendar I probably won't try to keep track of it, and poof! It's out of my memory forever.
Cary said: You aren't the only one! :) Where to begin... - I've reorganized the CA (same thing as an RA) office twice this week already. - I have 6 different color highlighters in my agenda/planner, on my desk calendar, and on my dry erase board. And those correlate with 5 different class colors for notebooks, CA duties, and meetings. - My closet is organized by type of clothing and then in rainbow order in those subsets. - My books are also arranged alphabetically by author, and my DVD collection is TV show seasons first and then movies...which are then arranged alphabetically. - I'm also very particular about what type of pen and pencil I'll use. I think those are all my crazy quirks. I'll probably think of something else whenever I hit "publish" for this comment... Oh, and I'm 98% sure you and I have the same planner.

From The Saga of Office Boy: The Confusion:
Shane said: I'ma drive down to wherever you are and stomp this boy. Fun is fun, but he needs to make a decision and he needs to stick with it. I can't understand his thinking. Maybe it's because he's afraid of getting hurt, or maybe he's just interested in some no-strings-attached fun. If it's the former, knock down his walls. If it's the latter, build yours up. I suspect that you and I approach relationships in a very similar fashion. I once tried the no-strings-attached-cuddling thing with somebody I wanted to date, but they didn't want to date me. It was hell. Don't fall for it, no matter how tempting the option might be. It doesn't sound like your style.

From A Love Like This:
Shane said: Darn it, Sarah. You got me all misty at work. This is an extremely sweet and touching story, better than anything Hollywood produced because it is real. People like them give hope for all of us. There is still so much good in the world, and we see it in people who start families just like yours. Your grandparents were very strong. Although I know I would have the love and dedication to eat breakfast with her every morning just as he did, I don't think I would be able to handle the Alzheimer's with nearly as much cheer and good spirit. We should all be so fortunate one day to have such a strong, healthy, loving relationship with our one and only. Thank you for sharing this.
Emma said: I love that. And it makes my eyes water foreals. My grandparents have been together for such a long time, too--and my grandfather is the one dealing with Alzheimer's. My grandmother takes care of him every day. Even though I've seen it, the moments where he didn't recognize his grandkids, I still can't imagine what it would be like to know someone and love someone for so long, and then not know their face anymore, or be looked at by someone who no longer knows you. It kills me. But I love that these couples still remain so faithfully in love with their actions.
From The Saga of Office Boy: The Show, Part Two:
Shane said: Office Boy, clever, clever man. This is the type of twist ending that's better than anything fictional.
From The Saga of Office Boy: The Birthday Dinner:
Emma said: :-D YAY DATES WITH FLOWERS AND WINE AND CHOCOLATE MOUSSE AND BIRTHDAYS! And him asking you to dinner totally counts as him asking you out officially which MEANS... ...who won the bet on how long it would take? ;-)
And for the record, I have yet to go back through all the various predictions that were made regarding how long it would take Office Boy to officially ask me out. So I don't have an answer to Emma's question just yet. But I'll figure it out.
Happy Wednesday/Hump Day/Leap Day.
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