From Another's Blog: Interlude

Posted on the 30 October 2014 by Sharasekaram @sharasekaram
(Its been a long long while since I had an installment of the 'From Another's Blog' posts - I guess its been a long while since something I came across made me feel compelled to share it. This poem is written by a friend - Jessica Ferrari and was posted on Facebook. It struck me for its raw bleeding honestly, and despite its seeming pessimistic about love  - to me it really speaks about the greatest love of all - loving yourself [apologies Whitney Huston]. Also I love writing that is raw and honest and bleeds all over the page demanding that you confront those feelings. The best work is the work that just comes from within beacsue its a way of expressing  sonething you don't know how to express)

Remember when life was simpler?
The time a girl ever wanted was for the cute boy next door to notice her?
Cute little notes
Thrown over the wall,
Was all it took to giggle and blush
For an entire month!
And in a corner of a bedroom
Sat down a lonely pencil and a paper
Forgotten of it's purpose
A few things I know now,
That I would like to go back and tell that little girl...
First of all... Ditch that boy next door!
He'll never grow a pair.
And that first kiss so awkward,
Mills n boons will stop making sense
Then that boy who finally stole your heart,
that boy you will call your first love,
Will go away too, will call you back for a booty call though...
Then one fine day you will walk down the aisle
Towards a man, a boy
That will leave scars in your soul, your heart,
And on your body..
Hurting in places you never knew it could hurt
Broken so bad that rainbows looked black and white
"I was angry baby, won't happen again"
Then leave he will the scars on you
Then leave he will away from you
Back to the girl he called his first love
His happy ending.
Sending you in search for yours and not yet ready for it.
With each passing whim of a man
You'll learn to save on those hour long phone call bills,
To not give an inch more than what you get,
To walk away when YOU choose to
To build walls so dense around you
To live in a tower so high that will put Rupunzel to shame.
No Prince Charming is coming little girl,
No glass slipper finder at the midnight hour.
Just the drunk pervert trying to score
The boy you will want to bump into in your clumsy awkwardness,
He isn't coming
The one with the wise eyes and mischievous crooked grin,
He never smiles
The one who will get the reasons behind all your barriers,
He wouldn't care
The one who will pick all of them fears and anxiety
To toss them into the Southern winds,
Little girl, he doesn't exist and HE, will never come!
Instead sit little girl in the corner of your bedroom
At the end of each day.
Write your heart away
That love for spinning words you chose to forget.
To suit your suitors that suited you no longer.
For a love you had hoped to find.
While love was already there
Inside, for you,
In you,
Ready to glide my pencil
Ready to fill that paper and my existence.